chat_uikit library
- AlphabeticalItemModel
- BlockListView
- The block list view. This widget is used to display the list of blocked users.
- BlockListViewController
- ChangeInfoView
- ChangeInfoViewArguments
- ChatExpression
- ChatLocal
- ChatObserver
- ChatReactionInfoWidget
- ChatSDKEventsObserver
- ChatSDKService
- ChatUIKit
- ChatUIKitAlphabeticalListViewItem
- ChatUIKitAlphabeticalWidget
- ChatUIKitAlphabetSortHelper
- Contact alphabet sorting, if there is Chinese, you can redefine the first letter using ChatUIKitAlphabetSortHelper, for example:
- ChatUIKitAppBar
- ChatUIKitAppBarAction
- ChatUIKitAppBarModel
- ChatUIKitAvatar
- ChatUIKitBadge
- ChatUIKitBottomPanelData
T> - ChatUIKitButton
- ChatUIKitCardBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitColor
- ChatUIKitCombineBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitContactListViewItem
- ChatUIKitContext
- ChatUIKitConversationListViewItem
- ChatUIKitDetailContentAction
- ChatUIKitDetailsListViewItem
- ChatUIKitDetailsListViewItemModel
T> -
T> - ChatUIKitDialogInputContentItem
- ChatUIKitDownloadController
- ChatUIKitDownloadsHelperWidget
- ChatUIKitEditBar
- ChatUIKitEmojiData
- ChatUIKitEmojiPanel
- ChatUIKitEmojiRichText
T> - ChatUIKitFileBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitFileSizeTool
- ChatUIKitFont
- ChatUIKitGroupListViewItem
- ChatUIKitImageBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitImageLoader
- ChatUIKitInputBar
- ChatUIKitInsertTools
- ChatUikitKeyboardHeight
- ChatUIKitKeyboardPanel
- ChatUIKitKeyboardPanelController
- ChatUIKitListItemModelBase
- ChatUIKitListView
- ChatUIKitListViewControllerBase
- ChatUIKitListViewMoreItem
- ChatUIKitLocalizations
- ChatUIKitMessageBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitMessageListViewAlertItem
- ChatUIKitMessageListViewMessageItem
- ChatUIKitMessageReactionInfo
- ChatUIKitMessageReactionsRow
- ChatUIKitMessageStatusWidget
- ChatUIKitMessageThreadWidget
- ChatUIKitMessageViewBottomMenu
- ChatUIKitNewRequestListViewItem
- ChatUIKitNonsupportMessageWidget
- ChatUIKitObserverBase
- ChatUIKitPopupMenu
- ChatUIKitPopupMenuController
- ChatUIKitPopupMenuStyle
- ChatUIKitPositionWidget
- ChatUIKitPreviewObj
- ChatUIKitProfile
- ChatUIKitProfile class, used to store information about contacts or groups.
- ChatUIKitProvider
- 用户信息提供类,用于设置用户/群组展示的名称和头像信息
- ChatUIKitProviderObserver
- 用户信息更新观察者,当用户信息更新时,会通知所有的观察者。
- ChatUIKitQuoteWidget
- ChatUIkitReactionWidget
- ChatUIKitReplyBar
- ChatUIKitRoute
- 路由
- ChatUIKitRouteBackModel
- 路由返回信息,用于标记路由返回到上一页时的变更类型和 profileId
- ChatUIKitRouteNames
- ChatUIKitSearchHistoryViewItem
- ChatUIKitSearchListViewItem
- ChatUIKitSearchWidget
- ChatUIKitServiceBase
- ChatUIKitSettings
- ChatUIKitShadow
- ChatUIKitShowImageWidget
- ChatUIKitShowVideoWidget
- ChatUIKitTextBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitTheme
- ChatUIKitThemeImpl
- ChatUIKitThemeMixin
- ChatUIKitTimeFormatter
- ChatUIKitTimeTool
- ChatUIKitURLHelper
- ChatUIKitVideoBubbleWidget
- ChatUIKitViewArguments
- ChatUIKitViewObserver
- ChatUIKitVoiceBubbleWidget
- ConnectObserver
- ContactDetailsView
- ContactDetailsViewArguments
- ContactItemModel
- ContactListView
- The contact list view. This widget is used to display the list of contacts.
- ContactListViewController
- 联系人列表控制器
- ContactObserver
- ContactsView
- ContactsViewArguments
- ConversationItemModel
- ConversationListView
- The conversation list view. This widget is used to display the list of conversations.
- ConversationListViewController
- 会话列表控制器
- ConversationsView
- ConversationsViewArguments
- 会话列表构建参数
- CreateGroupInfo
- CreateGroupView
- CreateGroupViewArguments
- CurrentUserInfoView
- CurrentUserInfoViewArguments
- CustomTextEditingController
- EmojiIndex
- ForwardMessageSelectView
- ForwardMessageSelectViewArguments
- ForwardMessagesView
- ForwardMessagesViewArguments
- GroupAddMembersView
- GroupAddMembersViewArguments
- GroupChangeOwnerView
- GroupChangeOwnerViewArguments
- GroupDeleteMembersView
- GroupDeleteMembersViewArguments
- GroupDetailsView
- GroupDetailsViewArguments
- GroupItemModel
- GroupListView
- The group list view. This widget is used to display the list of groups.
- GroupListViewController
- GroupMemberListView
- The group member list view. This widget is used to display the list of group members.
- GroupMemberListViewController
- GroupMembersView
- GroupMembersViewArguments
- GroupMentionView
- GroupMentionViewArguments
- GroupObserver
- GroupsView
- GroupsViewArguments
- MentionAllItem
- MentionModel
- MenuPage
- MessageAlertAction
- MessageListView
- The list view of the message. This widget is used to display the list of messages.
- MessageModel
- MessageObserver
- MessagesView
- 消息页面
- MessagesViewArguments
- MessagesViewController
- 消息列表控制器
- MultiObserver
- NewRequestDetailsView
- NewRequestDetailsViewArguments
- NewRequestItemModel
- NewRequestListViewController
- NewRequestsListView
- The new requests list view. This widget is used to display the list of new requests.
- NewRequestsView
- NewRequestsViewArguments
- PinListItem
- PinListItemModel
- PinMessageListView
- The pin message list view.
- PinMessageListViewController
- PresenceObserver
- QuoteModel
- RecordBar
- RecordBarController
- RecordBarState
- RecordResultData
- ReportMessageView
- ReportMessageViewArguments
- RoomObserver
- SearchGroupMembersView
- SearchGroupMembersViewArguments
- SearchHistoryView
- SearchHistoryViewArguments
- SearchNotification
- SearchView
- SearchViewArguments
- SelectContactView
- SelectContactViewArguments
- ShowImageView
- ShowImageViewArguments
- ShowVideoView
- ShowVideoViewArguments
- ThreadMembersView
- ThreadMembersViewArguments
- ThreadMembersViewController
- ThreadMessageListView
- The thread message list view. This widget is used to display the list of thread messages.
- ThreadMessagesView
- ThreadMessagesViewArguments
- ThreadMessagesViewController
- ThreadObserver
- ThreadsView
- ThreadsViewArguments
- UIKitHSLColor
- UserData
- ChatRecordEncodeType
- ChatSDKEvent
- ChatUIKitActionType
- ChatUIKitButtonType
- ChatUIKitDetailsListViewItemModelType
- ChatUIKitDialogActionType
- ChatUIKitDialogRectangleType
- ChatUIKitEvent
- Chat UI Kit Action Events
- ChatUIKitEventActionType
- ChatUIKitFontSize
- ChatUIKitKeyboardPanelType
- ChatUIKitListViewType
- ChatUIKitMessageAttachmentMenuStyle
- ChatUIKitMessageDownloadState
- ChatUIKitMessageListViewBubbleStyle
- ChatUIKitMessageLongPressMenuStyle
- ChatUIKitProfileType
- Profile 类型,用于区分是联系人还是群组。
- ChatUIKitRouteBackType
- 用于标记路由 ChatUIKitRouteBackModel 类型。
- ChatUIKitTimeType
- 用来表示当前时间是消息时间还是会话时间
- CornerRadius
- LightnessStyle
- MessageAlertActionType
- MessageLastActionType
- MessageStatusType
- RecordBarRecordType
- ChatActions
- ChatUIKitEventsObservers
- ChatUIKitLocal
- ChatWrapper
- ConnectWrapper
- ContactActions
- ContactWrapper
- GroupActions
- GroupWrapper
- MessageWrapper
- MultiWrapper
- NeedAlphabetical
- NeedAlphabeticalWidget
- NeedSearch
- NotificationActions
- NotificationWrapper
- PresenceActions
- PresenceWrapper
- RoomActions
- RoomWrapper
- ThreadActions
- ThreadWrapper
- UserInfoActions
- UserInfoWrapper
- ContactLoad on ChatUIKitContext
- ConversationFirstLoad on ChatUIKitContext
- ConversationHelp on Conversation
- ConversationMute on ChatUIKitContext
- CornerRadiusHelper on CornerRadius
- MessageHelper on Message
- MessageTypeExt on MessageType
- MessageTypeStr on String
- Request on ChatUIKitContext
- SizeTypeToInt on ChatUIKitFontSize
- StringExtension on String
- alertContactAddKey → const String
- alertCreateThreadKey → const String
- alertDeleteThreadKey → const String
- alertGroupCreateKey → const String
- alertGroupDestroyKey → const String
- alertGroupKickedKey → const String
- alertGroupLeaveKey → const String
- alertOperatorIdKey → const String
- alertOperatorNameKey → const String
- alertPinMessageKey → const String
- alertRecalledKey → const String
- alertTargetIdKey → const String
- alertTargetNameKey → const String
- alertTargetParentIdKey → const String
- alertTimeKey → const String
- alertUnPinMessageKey → const String
- alertUpdateThreadKey → const String
- arrowHeight → const double
- arrowPadding → const double
- arrowPosition → const double
- arrowWidth → const double
- borderHeight → const double
- cardAvatarKey → const String
- cardMessageKey → const String
- cardNicknameKey → const String
- cardUserIdKey → const String
- contactLoadFinishedKey → const String
- convLoadFinishedKey → const String
- defaultLeftRightPadding → const double
- hasMentionKey → const String
- hasMentionValue → const String
- hasTranslatedKey → const String
- isNotRecording → const int
- isRecording → const int
- kMenuHorizontalPadding → const double
- letterHeight → const double
- letterWidth → const double
- mentionAllValue → const String
- mentionKey → const String
- msgPreviewKey → const String
- msgUserInfoKey → const String
- muteMapKey → const String
- permissionDenied → const int
- playFailed → const int
- quoteKey → const String
- quoteMsgIdKey → const String
- quoteMsgPreviewKey → const String
- quoteMsgSenderKey → const String
- quoteMsgTypeKey → const String
- recordFailed → const int
- requestsKey → const String
- sdkEventKey → const String
- tooShort → const int
- typingKey → const String
- userAvatarKey → const String
- userGroupName → const String
- userNicknameKey → const String
- voiceHasReadKey → const String
- appBarHeight ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- bottomBarHeight ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- connectionTimeout ↔ int
getter/setter pair
- itemHeight ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- maxImageHeight ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- maxImageWidth ↔ double
getter/setter pair
- maxRedirects ↔ int
getter/setter pair
T> ({required BuildContext context, List< ChatUIKitEventAction< ? items, Color? backgroundColor, Color? barrierColor, bool enableRadius = true, String? title, TextStyle? titleStyle, Widget? titleWidget, Widget? body, String? cancelLabel, bool showCancel = true, TextStyle? cancelLabelStyle, double? height, bool isDismissible = true}) → Future<T> >T?> -
T> ({required BuildContext context, required List< ChatUIKitDialogAction< actionItems, String? content, String? title, List<T> >ChatUIKitDialogInputContentItem> ? inputItems, double? leftRightPadding, Color barrierColor = Colors.black54, bool barrierDismissible = true, ChatUIKitDialogRectangleType? borderType}) → Future<T?> -
T> ({required BuildContext context, RecordBarController? controller, RecordBarOnRecord? onRecordTypeChanged, Color? backgroundColor, Color? barrierColor, int maxDuration = 60, int minDuration = 1}) → Future< RecordResultData?>
- AlphabetSortHandler = String? Function(String? groupId, String userId, String showName)
- ChatError = EMError
- ChatEventHandler = EMChatEventHandler
- ChatManager = EMChatManager
- ChatPushRemindType = ChatPushRemindType
- ChatRoom = EMChatRoom
- ChatRoomEventHandler = EMChatRoomEventHandler
- ChatSilentModeParam = ChatSilentModeParam
- ChatSilentModeResult = ChatSilentModeResult
- ChatThread = EMChatThread
- ChatThreadEvent = EMChatThreadEvent
- ChatThreadEventHandler = EMChatThreadEventHandler
- ChatThreadOperation = EMChatThreadOperation
- ChatType = ChatType
- ChatUIKitActionItemOnTap = void Function(BuildContext context)
= List<
ChatUIKitAppBarAction> ? Function(BuildContext context, List<ChatUIKitAppBarAction> ? defaultList) - 用于在 appBar 上添加事件,会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于菜单显示。
- ChatUIKitContactItemBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, ContactItemModel model)
- 联系人列表 item 构建器,需要返回一个 widget,如果返回 null 将会使用默认的 item。 返回后会用于列表显示。
= List<
ChatUIKitDetailContentAction> ? Function(BuildContext context, List<ChatUIKitDetailContentAction> ? defaultList) - 用于在详情页添加主要按钮事件,比如联系人详情,群组详情中添加音视频呼叫。会返回一个默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于菜单显示。
= List<
ChatUIKitDetailsListViewItemModel> Function(BuildContext context, ChatUIKitProfile? profile, List<ChatUIKitDetailsListViewItemModel> defaultItems) - 用于在联系人详情页添加 list item,会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于菜单显示。
- ChatUIKitDownloadBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, String? path, String? name, ChatUIKitMessageDownloadState state, int progress)
- ChatUIKitDownloadResult = void Function(Message message, String? path, ChatError? error)
- ChatUIKitGroupItemBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, GroupItemModel model)
- 群列表 item 构建器,需要返回一个 widget,如果返回 null 将会使用默认的 item。 返回后会用于列表显示。
- ChatUIKitListItemBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, ChatUIKitListItemModelBase model)
T> = List< ChatUIKitEventAction< Function(BuildContext context, List<T> >ChatUIKitEventAction< actions)T> > - appBar 点击更多按钮时会弹出 bottom sheet, 会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于 bottom sheet 显示。
- ChatUIKitNewRequestItemBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, NewRequestItemModel model)
- ChatUIKitPositionWidgetHandler = void Function(Rect rect)
= List<
ChatUIKitProfile> ? Function(List<ChatUIKitProfile> profiles) - 用户信息回调,入参为需要提供信息的 profile 列表,返回值为提供信息后的 profile 列表,如果返回值为空,当再次需要展示是仍会回调。
- ChatUIKitWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Object? arguments)
- Client = EMClient
- CmdMessageBody = EMCmdMessageBody
- CombineMessageBody = EMCombineMessageBody
- ConnectionEventHandler = EMConnectionEventHandler
- Contact = EMContact
- ContactEventHandler = EMContactEventHandler
= List<
ContactItemModel> Function(List<ContactItemModel> contacts) - 通讯录列表展示前回调,会将当前的通讯录列表传递过来,你需要调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于列表显示。
- Conversation = EMConversation
- ConversationItemBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, ConversationItemModel model)
= List<
ConversationItemModel> Function(List<ConversationItemModel> conversations) - 会话列表展示前回调,会将当前的会话列表传递过来,你需要调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于列表显示。
= List<
ChatUIKitEventAction> ? Function(BuildContext context, ConversationItemModel model, List<ChatUIKitEventAction> defaultActions) - 用户会话列表长按事件,会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于 bottom sheet 显示。
- ConversationType = EMConversationType
= Future<
CreateGroupInfo?> Function(BuildContext context, List<ChatUIKitProfile> selectedProfiles) - 创建群组拦截器,当在创建群组页面点击创建后回调给你当前选择的用户,你需要返回一个 CreateGroupInfo 对象,如果返回 null 将会取消创建。
T> = EMCursorResult< T> - CustomMessageBody = EMCustomMessageBody
- DisplayStyle = DisplayStyle
- DownloadStatus = DownloadStatus
- EmojiClick = void Function(String emoji)
- FetchMessageOptions = FetchMessageOptions
- FileMessageBody = EMFileMessageBody
- Group = EMGroup
- GroupCreateCallback = void Function(Group? group, ChatError? error)
- 创建群组后的回调
- GroupEventHandler = EMGroupEventHandler
- GroupInfo = EMGroupInfo
- GroupMessageAck = EMGroupMessageAck
- GroupOptions = EMGroupOptions
- GroupPermissionType = EMGroupPermissionType
- GroupStyle = EMGroupStyle
- ImageMessageBody = EMImageMessageBody
- KeyboardHeightCallback = void Function(double height, double safeArea)
- LeaveReason = LeaveReason
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, List<
ChatUIKitListItemModelBase> list) -
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, String? searchKeyword, List<
ChatUIKitListItemModelBase> list) - LocationMessageBody = EMLocationMessageBody
- LoginExtensionInfo = LoginExtensionInfo
- Message = EMMessage
- MessageDirection = MessageDirection
- MessageEvent = ChatMessageEvent
- MessageItemBubbleBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, MessageModel model)
- 消息气泡构建器,需要返回一个 widget,如果返回 null 将会使用默认的气泡。 返回后会用于列表显示。其中 child 是气泡内部的内容。
- MessageItemBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, MessageModel model)
- MessageItemGlobalPositionTapHandler = bool? Function(BuildContext context, MessageModel model, Rect rect)
- MessageItemShowHandler = bool Function(MessageModel model)
- 消息列表 item 元素是否展示,返回 true 表示展示,false 表示不展示。
- MessageItemTapHandler = bool? Function(BuildContext context, MessageModel model)
- 消息列表 item 点击事件,返回 true 表示消费事件,false 或 null 表示不消费事件,事件将会继续传递。
- MessagePinInfo = MessagePinInfo
- MessagePinOperation = MessagePinOperation
- MessageReaction = EMMessageReaction
- MessageReactionEvent = EMMessageReactionEvent
- MessageReactionItemTapHandler = bool? Function(BuildContext context, MessageModel model, MessageReaction reaction)
- MessageSearchScope = MessageSearchScope
- MessageStatus = MessageStatus
= List<
ChatUIKitEventAction> ? Function(BuildContext context, MessageModel model, Rect rect, List<ChatUIKitEventAction> defaultActions) - 消息列表 item 长按事件,会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于 bottom sheet 显示。
= List<
ChatUIKitEventAction> ? Function(BuildContext context, List<ChatUIKitEventAction> defaultActions) - 消息页 输入框 更多按钮点击事件,会返回默认的列表,需要你调整后返回来,返回来的数据会用于 bottom sheet 显示。
- MessageType = MessageType
- MultiDeviceEventHandler = EMMultiDeviceEventHandler
- MultiDevicesEvent = EMMultiDevicesEvent
- Options = EMOptions
T> = EMPageResult< T> - Presence = EMPresence
- PresenceEventHandler = EMPresenceEventHandler
- PushConfigs = EMPushConfigs
- ReactionOperate = ReactionOperate
- RecordBarOnRecord = void Function(RecordBarRecordType type)
- RecordBarOnRecordFinished = void Function(RecordResultData data)
- RoomEventHandler = EMChatRoomEventHandler
- SearchDirection = EMSearchDirection
- TextMessageBody = EMTextMessageBody
- TimeFormatterHandler = String? Function(BuildContext context, ChatUIKitTimeType type, int time)
- 时间格式化
- TranslateLanguage = EMTranslateLanguage
- UserInfo = EMUserInfo
- VideoMessageBody = EMVideoMessageBody
- VoiceMessageBody = EMVoiceMessageBody