ChatUIKitSettings class
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Properties
- audioEncoder ↔ ChatRecordEncodeType
getter/setter pair
↔ ImageProvider<
Object> ? -
Default avatar placeholder image
getter/setter pair
- avatarRadius ↔ CornerRadius
Specifies the corner radius for the avatars in the uikit.
getter/setter pair
- contactItemListItemHeight ↔ double
Contact item list height
getter/setter pair
↔ ImageProvider<
Object> ? -
Mute icon displayed in the conversation list
getter/setter pair
- defaultUrlRegExp ↔ RegExp
Default message URL regular expression
getter/setter pair
- dialogRectangleType ↔ ChatUIKitDialogRectangleType
The corner radius for the dialog.
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageEdit ↔ bool
Whether to enable message editing feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageForward ↔ bool
Whether to enable message forwarding feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageMultiSelect ↔ bool
Whether to enable message multi-select forwarding feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageReaction ↔ bool
Whether to enable message reaction feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageRecall ↔ bool
Whether to enable message recall feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageReply ↔ bool
Whether to enable message quoting feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageReport ↔ bool
Whether to enable message reporting feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageThread ↔ bool
Whether to enable the thread feature
getter/setter pair
- enableMessageTranslation ↔ bool
Whether to enable message translation feature
getter/setter pair
- enablePinMsg ↔ bool
Whether to enable the message pinning feature
getter/setter pair
- enableTypingIndicator ↔ bool
Whether to enable the functionality of input status for one-on-one chat messages.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> -
Message emoji reply bottom sheet title display content, this content needs to be included in the emoji list ChatUIKitEmojiData.emojiList.
getter/setter pair
- inputBarRadius ↔ CornerRadius
Specifies the corner radius of the input box.
getter/setter pair
- messageAttachmentMenuStyle ↔ ChatUIKitMessageAttachmentMenuStyle
getter/setter pair
- messageBubbleStyle ↔ ChatUIKitMessageListViewBubbleStyle
Default display style of message bubbles
getter/setter pair
- messageLongPressMenuStyle ↔ ChatUIKitMessageLongPressMenuStyle
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
ChatUIKitActionType> -
Message long press menu
getter/setter pair
- recallExpandTime ↔ int
Time limit for message recall, in seconds
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> -
Message report tags, can be customized. The reasons for reporting should be written in the localization file, and the key for the reason in the localization file should be consistent with the tag. For example, ChatUIKitLocal.reportTarget1
getter/setter pair
- searchBarRadius ↔ CornerRadius
Specifies the corner radius of the search box.
getter/setter pair
- showConversationListAvatar ↔ bool
Whether to show avatars in the conversation list
getter/setter pair
- showConversationListUnreadCount ↔ bool
Whether to show unread message count in the conversation list
getter/setter pair
- sortAlphabetical ↔ String
Contact alphabetical sorting order, if there are Chinese characters, you can redefine the initials using ChatUIKitAlphabetSortHelper.
getter/setter pair
- translateTargetLanguage ↔ String
Message translation target language
getter/setter pair