ChatUIKitImageLoader class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
bubbleVoice(int frame, {double width = 20, double height = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget
card({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
chatIcon({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
contacts({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
defaultAvatar({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
emojiDelete({double size = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget
faceKeyboard({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
file({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
imageDefault({double width = 44, double height = 44, Color? color})
→ Widget
leaveThread({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
listEmpty({double width = 105, double height = 105, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageEdit({double width = 16, double height = 16, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageHistory({double width = 16, double height = 16, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressCopy({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressDelete({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressEdit({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressForward({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressMultiSelected({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressRecall({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressReply({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressReport({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressThread({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageLongPressTranslate({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageTrash({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageViewMoreAlbum({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageViewMoreCamera({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageViewMoreCard({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageViewMoreFile({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
messageViewMoreVideo({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
more({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
moreKeyboard({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
moreReactions({double width = 36, double height = 36, Color? color})
→ Widget
networkImage({required String image, required ImageProvider<Object> placeholder, Widget? placeholderWidget, double? size, BoxFit fit = BoxFit.fill})
→ Widget
noDisturb({double width = 20, double height = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget
pinMessage({double width = 24, double height = 24, Color? color})
→ Widget
search({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
sendKeyboard({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
textKeyboard({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
videoDefault({double width = 44, double height = 44, Color? color})
→ Widget
voiceDelete({double width = 20, double height = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget
voiceKeyboard({double width = 30, double height = 30, Color? color})
→ Widget
voiceMic({double width = 20, double height = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget
voiceSend({double width = 20, double height = 20, Color? color})
→ Widget