dsqlite library

SQLite driver database


SQLite base class for handling aggregate function.
A result when execute a query to insert/delete/update the database.
A class represent column information
Database connection
The database source represent the configuration when open database connection
SQLite database driver.
SQLite indexed parameter
SQLite named parameter
Base class represent parameter
Default row object represent row data of the result set from select query.
A class provide a method to read data from select query.
A result when execute a select query.
SQLite SavePoint for nested transaction
A statement interface provide general high level api to access common SQLite C API.
A class describe table information
Default SQLite transaction
TwoResult<T, D>
A class provide a method to read value SQLite Value or Column from select query.


SQLite transaction control


A mixin for row data in the result from select query.


MapToNameParameter on Map<String, dynamic>
Utility to help convert a map into NameParameter


applyBlobResult(PtrContext ctx, Uint8List? val) → void
Default Uint8List result handler
applyBoolResult(PtrContext ctx, bool? val) → void
Default bool result handler
applyDateTimeResult(PtrContext ctx, DateTime? val) → void
Default DateTime result handler
applyDoubleResult(PtrContext ctx, double? val) → void
Default double result handler
applyDurationResult(PtrContext ctx, Duration? val) → void
Default Duration result handler
applyErrorResult(PtrContext ctx, String message, [int? errorCode]) → void
Use by Database to response an error to SQLite.
applyIntResult(PtrContext ctx, int? val) → void
Default int result handler
applyNullResult(PtrContext ctx) → void
Default null result handler
applyRegExpResult(PtrContext ctx, RegExp? val) → void
Default RegExp result handler
applyResult(PtrContext ctx, dynamic val) → void
Default sql.FunctionResultHandler handler.
applyStringResult(PtrContext ctx, String? val) → void
Default string result handler
applyUriResult(PtrContext ctx, Uri? val) → void
Default Uri result handler
bindBlob(Statement stmt, Uint8List? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a binary list value at the given index.
bindBool(Statement stmt, bool? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a bool value at the given index.
bindDateTime(Statement stmt, DateTime? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a DateTime value at the given index.
bindDouble(Statement stmt, double? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a double value at the given index.
bindDuration(Statement stmt, Duration? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a Duration value at the given index.
bindInt(Statement stmt, int? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement iStmt with a integer value at the given index.
bindNull(Statement stmt, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with null value at the given index.
bindRegExp(Statement stmt, RegExp? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a RegExp value at the given index.
bindString(Statement stmt, String? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a String value at the given index.
bindUri(Statement stmt, Uri? value, int index) int
Bind a Statement stmt with a Uri value at the given index.
blobArg(int i, ValueReader reader) Uint8List?
Default binary Uint8List argument converter
boolArg(int i, ValueReader reader) bool?
Default boolean bool argument converter
datetimeArg(int i, ValueReader reader) DateTime?
Default DateTime argument converter
defaultBindingHandler(Statement stmt, dynamic value, int index) int
The default argument binder.
doubleArg(int i, ValueReader reader) double?
Default double argument converter
durationArg(int i, ValueReader reader) Duration?
Default Duration argument converter
intArg(int i, ValueReader reader) int?
Default int argument converter
regexpArg(int i, ValueReader reader) RegExp?
Default RegExp argument converter
savePointCreator([String? name]) → TransactionCreator<SavePoint>
savepoint creator function
stringArg(int i, ValueReader reader) String?
Default string argument converter
transactionCreator([SQLiteTransactionControl? control]) → TransactionCreator<Transaction>
transaction creator function to apply the control
uriArg(int i, ValueReader reader) Uri?
Default Uri argument converter


ParameterBinder<T> = int Function(Statement stmt, T? value, int index)
A function which responsible to bind input argument of the statement query.
UpdateHook = void Function(int operation, String databaseName, String tableName, int id)
An update hook callback.

Exceptions / Errors

SQLite Exception