
Package dsqlite provides an implementation driver of package database_sql. The sql package must be used in conjunction with database_sql package.

The package provide a complete implementation of database_sql package. It's using WebAssembly api compiled from sqlite3 source code by emscripten when running on web browser. All latest of the major browser such as Chrome, FireFox, Safari is supported.

Important: The web version in this package is using webassembly running output from emscripten. Although it work, the performance compare to native IndexedDB Javascript is very slow, plus all sqlite data is loaded all into memory which cause a huge amount of memory being consume by the application. In addition, emscripten does not provide official document to implement File System APIs with browser Native File System APIs which could reduce a significant amount of memory need for virtual file system. Emscripten issue tracking for the request and better apis for implement custom File System APIs:

What's next ?

  • Explore possibility to implement VFS with or without 15041
  • Explore possibility to implement module or virtual table to redirect data to IndexedDB. The downside is that not all sqlite feature is supported when running with virtual table.
  • Move sqlite functionality into web worker or service worker instead of main thread.


Add database_sql and dsqlite to pubspec.yaml

  database_sql: 0.0.1
  dsqlite: 0.0.1
import 'package:database_sql/database_sql.dart' as sqldb;
import 'package:dsqlite/dsqlite.dart' as dsqlite;

void main() async {
// register driver (Should register against in different isolate process)
  await dsqlite.Driver.initialize(
    // on iOS it's not required to provide path.
    // on Web it's the same as iOS, web required index.html to load javascript file and webassembly
    path: '/* path to dynamic library */',
    // connectHook is optional however it's useful when required to have registration for hook event
    // or create a custom function.
    connectHook: (driver, db, ds) {
      /* your initialization code such as register function, hook event */
// Ensure database connection is close properly even in an event of exception occurred. 
await sqldb.protect('sqlite3', dsqlite.DataSource('test.db'), block: (db) async {
  final changes = await db.exec("INSERT INTO sample(text) VALUES('sqlite3-driver')");
  // should print 'Last ID: 1, affected: 1'
  print('Last ID: ${changes.lastInsertId}, affected: ${changes.rowsAffected}');
  // Ensure result of query is close properly even in an event of exception occurred.
  await db.protectQuery<sqldb.Row>('SELECT * FROM sample;', block: (rows) async {
    while(rows.moveNext()) {
      // should print 'ID: 1, text: sqlite3-driver'
      print('ID: ${rows.current.intValueBy('id')}, text: ${rows.current.stringValueBy('text')}');

Compile WebAssembly from sqlite3 source code using emscripten. Before you can compile a webassembly, you must have emscripten install and available in your PATH environment variable visit Getting Started for instruction how to install emscripten.

After you have emscripten installed, run below command to generate WebAssembly file. By default, it's using pre-define build configuration within package this package. The default setting generate multiple output with format ASM and WASM in conjunction with a non support and a support to javascript bigint.

dart run dsqlite -b -d --release 2021:3.36.00 -o /* directory to store the generate file */

To disable multiple build or include your own desire optimization then you can provide custom build configuration. Create configuration file name sqlite_webassembly_build.yaml in your root repository.

# this is the minimum runtime export api use by dsqlite when running in web browser
# If your application is not using UTF-16 then you can omit `UTF16ToString`, `stringToUTF16` and 
# `lengthBytesUTF16` apis. Same binary or blob which you can omit `writeArrayToMemory`.
# If your application does not required sqlite3 api such as create function or callback then you 
# omit `addFunction` and `removeFunction` as well. It can optimize the generated javascript size to 
# a bit smaller.
  - 'cwrap'
  - 'setValue'
  - 'getValue'
  - 'UTF8ToString'
  - 'stringToUTF8'
  - 'UTF16ToString'
  - 'stringToUTF16'
  - 'writeArrayToMemory'
  - 'lengthBytesUTF8'
  - 'lengthBytesUTF16'
  - 'addFunction'
  - 'removeFunction'
# by default, all function describe by key `apis` in file `sqlite_api_meta.yaml` is used for exposing
# webassembly api to javascript. However if you know that you don't use certain api then you can list
# only the desired api here.

#  - 'sqlite3_changes'
#  - 'sqlite3_last_insert_rowid'
#  - 'sqlite3_extended_result_codes'

emitBitInt: true # true to emit both none support to bigint and a support to bigint

# If not provided, it utilize cflag from configuration file in this package.
# cflag:
#   - '-O2'
#   - '-DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0' # javascript is a single thread anyway

# If not provided, it utilize emflag from configuration file in this package.
# emflag:

# If not provided, it utilize `release` from configuration file in this package.
# This is emcc flag for release build
# release:

# If not provided, it utilize `debug` from configuration file in this package.
# This is emcc flag for debug build
# debug:

# provide wasm key to indacate that the generated out is in webassembly wasm format
# must provide emcc flag
# wasm:

# provide asm key to indacate that the generated out is in asmjs format
# must provide emcc flag
# asm:


Before running test, it required to download sqlite source code and build locally therefore you must has emscripten installed and necessary tools to build sqlite from source code.

The test code expect a dynamic library location at:

# Window platform
# linux, this library is auto generate by sqlite3 source code make file.
# macos, this library is auto generate by sqlite3 source code make file.

For Windows user, it's required to build sqlite3 library sqlite3.dll manually follow the documentation description here at sqlite website.

For user running platform otherwise Windows, use make to build and run the test. Windows user may use powershell or other other command line application to run makefile.

make requisition
# test both browser (debug webassembly only) and vm
make dsqlite_test_local
# full test for both browser (debug and release) and vm
make dsqlite_test


SQLite driver database
SQLite binding APIs
SQLite binding APIs