Folder extension

  • DriveApi


createFolder(String folderName, {String? parent}) Future<File>
Creates a folder, and returns the Google Drive File type. parents: Pass a list of folder ID's that form the path to where this file should be. Use getFolderPathAsIds to get these.
createFoldersRecursively(String folderPath) Future<List<FolderPathBit>>
Converts a specified path like 'path/to/folder' to folders. Ignores already created folders, and creates requested folders within them. Returns a list of FolderPathBit
getFolderPathAsIds(String path) Future<List<FolderPathBit>>
Converts a folder path, like, "path/like/this" to a set of folder id's. If a specified folder doesn't exist, returns null for that Path Bit's ID.
pushFile(File file, String path, {String? mimeType}) Future<File>
Copies a file from the users' device to Google Drive. Path must be supplied like path/to/file.txt. Last entry after the final forward-slash must not end with a forward slash, and will be treated as the file name.
pushFolder(Directory directory, String destinationDirectory) Stream<FolderTransferProgress>
Copies a local filesystem folder to Google Drive. Mimetypes are interpreted from the files Specify a destinationDirectory to use. Cannot copy to root of drive.
receiveFolder(String remoteFolderId, Directory localDirectory) Stream<FolderTransferProgress>
Retrieves a folder from a Google Drive location to the local device If the remote folder does not exist, function will throw