receiveFolder method

Stream<FolderTransferProgress> receiveFolder(
  1. String remoteFolderId,
  2. Directory localDirectory

Retrieves a folder from a Google Drive location to the local device If the remote folder does not exist, function will throw


Stream<FolderTransferProgress> receiveFolder(String remoteFolderId, final Directory localDirectory) async* {
  print('Copying ID ${remoteFolderId} to ${localDirectory.path}...');
  final filesInFolder = await files.list(q: GoogleDriveQueryHelper.fileListQuery(remoteFolderId));
  if (filesInFolder.files != null) {
    for (final entity in filesInFolder.files!) {
      // Could either be a file or a folder
      if (entity.mimeType == MimeType.folder) {
        final childDirectory = Directory(p.join(localDirectory.path,;
        if (!(await childDirectory.exists())) {
          await childDirectory.create(recursive: true);
        if ( == null) {
          print('ID of found google drive folder is null? This is a bug, please open a bug report');
        } else {
          print('Found ${} folder, (ID: ${}). Recursively copying.');
          yield* receiveFolder(!, childDirectory);
      } else {
        print('Processing file copy for ${} (with mimetype of ${entity.mimeType}, copying to directory ${localDirectory.path}');
        final file = await files.get(!, downloadOptions: drive.DownloadOptions.fullMedia);
        if (file is drive.Media) {
          final filePath = p.join(localDirectory.path,;
          final destinationFile = File(filePath);
          await for (final bytes in {
            // calling append on a nonexistant file creates that file.
            destinationFile.writeAsBytes(bytes, mode: FileMode.append);
        } else {
          print("WARNING: Received a file that wasn't of type media. Instead, it was of type ${file.runtimeType.toString()}");
  // final folderIdTree = ['root', =>];