BaseReferences<$Database extends GeneratedDatabase, $Table extends Table, $Dataclass> class base

Base class for the "WithReference" classes

When a user calls withReferences on a manager, the item is returned, along with an instance of this class which contains getters for the referenced tables manager which are pre-filtered to the item. So the following:

final (department,refs) = await departments.filter((f) =>
final productsInDepartment = refs.products.get() // filter((f) => f.department( is already applied

is short for:

final department = await departments.filter((f) =>
final productsInDepartment = await products.filter((f) => f.department(

This class is implemented by the code generator and should not be instantiated or extended manually.



It's quite common that a user will want a model together with it's relations. The simple option is to prefetch all of the products, and then run a 2nd request for each related department.

final products = await products.withReferences().get()
for (final (product,refs) in products){
  final department = await refs.departments.getSingle();

The issue with the above code is that we could be setting ourselves up to do tons of queries.


There are two methods we use together to solve this. Joins and Prefetches.


For fields which are foreign keys to other tables, we can just use a join to select the related field and get it all in one query. This is burdensome to do manually, but drift does it for you if you enable prefetching for a field. There are many examples how to do this in the drift documentation


However, for reverse relations, we can't get it all in a single query. We have to run 2 queries. Here is how it's done manually.

final departments = await departments.get();
final departmentIds =>;
final products = await products.filter((f)=>
final departmentsWithProducts =>(department,products.where((product)=> product.department ==;

We get all the products ahead of time, and then manually return each department with it's products using a where(...) filter.

We will call both of these "prefetch" throughout.

Manager API

This is quite verbose, and the manager api seeks to solve this for drift users. The API looks like this:

products.withReferences((prefetch) => prefetch(department: true)).get()

To do this there are a couple of things we need to do.

For references data we are getting via JOIN

  1. Before we even run a query with products.withReferences((prefetch) => prefetch(department: true)).get(), we need to put add a JOIN to this query.
  2. When we read back this result, we need to read the JOINed information back.

For referenced data we are getting with a prefetch:

  1. After we get all the results we need to run more queries, map the correct data, and inject it info each object.

We also have to do difference behavior depending of what was prefetched, so this is a pretty complex issue.


We only need to do 2 things for this to work:

  1. Reference class

This class is kinda cool. It stores a reference to the database, the table and a the original result of the query as a TypedResult, which is what drift uses to store the raw query. But along with that, it has getters for prebuilt managers. When withReferences is called, we return the dataclass, together with this.

To keep things simple for now, this is a reference class which has it's prefetching abilities removed

final class $$ProductTableReferences
    extends BaseReferences<_$TodoDb, $ProductTable, ProductData> {
  $$ProductTableReferences(super.$_db, super.$_table, super.$_typedResult);

  $$DepartmentTableProcessedTableManager? get department {
    if ($_item.department == null) return null;
    return  $$DepartmentTableTableManager($_db, $_db.department)
        .filter((f) =>$_item.department!));

  $$ListingTableProcessedTableManager get listings {
    return  $$ListingTableTableManager($_db, $_db.listing)
        .filter((f) =>$;

You can see how this allow us to easily get managers which are configured special for this product.

However, imagine we added extra data to this TypedResult before, we could read it and put it in the new managers cache. This is what the full code looks like for the reference class. Keep in mind this class only reads data, we'll get to the writing soon.

final class $$ProductTableReferences
   extends BaseReferences<_$TodoDb, $ProductTable, ProductData> {
 $$ProductTableReferences(super.$_db, super.$_table, super.$_typedResult);

  /// When we do the join we will use this aliased table
  static $DepartmentTable _departmentTable(_$TodoDb db) =>

  $$DepartmentTableProcessedTableManager? get department {
    /// If we already know that this product has no department, we will return null
    if ($_item.department == null) return null;
    final manager = $$DepartmentTableTableManager($_db, $_db.department)
        .filter((f) =>$_item.department!));

    /// If we already joined the department table, then this will be the department for this product
    final item = $_typedResult.readTableOrNull(_departmentTable($_db));
    if (item == null) return manager;
    return ProcessedTableManager(
        manager.$state.copyWith(prefetchedData: [item]));
  /// This is similar to [_departmentTable] , but fot the listings.
  /// This is a reverse relation, so we won't be using this to create a joined query.
  /// But we will still use it to read and write into the `TypedResult` (`TypedResult` is a glorified `Map`, it's key needs to be a certain kind of class [ResultSetImplementation] with a generic, that's all `MultiTypedResultKey` does)
  static MultiTypedResultKey<$ListingTable, List<ListingData>> _listingsTable(
          _$TodoDb db) =>
          aliasName: $_aliasNameGenerator(, db.listing.product));

  $$ListingTableProcessedTableManager get listings {
    final manager = $$ListingTableTableManager($_db, $_db.listing)
        .filter((f) =>$;
    /// If we have done any prefetches, these listings will be in the typed result
    /// We will take them out and put them in the new manager
    final cache = $_typedResult.readTableOrNull(_listingsTable($_db));
    return ProcessedTableManager(
        manager.$state.copyWith(prefetchedData: cache));


OK, we can see how we read references, but how does the manager actually fetch these results and add them to the TypedResult class? For that we use the PrefetchedHooks class and some callbacks.

So let's start at the beginning.

products.withReferences((prefetch) => prefetch(listings: true));

This prefetch function is declared on the generated manager and returns a PrefetchedHooks. Here is an example so we can walk through this

prefetchHooksCallback: ({department = false, listings = false}) {
          return PrefetchHooks(
            /// This field holds a function which will add the join if the user adds it to the prefetch
            addJoins: <
                /// The generics here are kinda messy,
                /// but it's declaring a function that takes a TableManagerState and returns a TableManagerState with some changes.
                T extends TableManagerState<
                    dynamic>>(state) {
              /// If the user did `prefetch(department: true)` then a join will be added to the query
              if (department) {
                state = state.withJoin(
                  currentTable: table,
                  currentColumn: table.department,
                  // This `$$ProductTableReferences._departmentTable(db)` was declared above. It's an aliased copy of the department table.
                ) as T;

              /// Listings aren't going to use a join, so we will skip it here, and instead to it later

              return state;
            /// This callback takes care of doing the additional queries needed to get reverse referenced data.
            /// `items` is the products as a list of `TypedResult`, this function builds a list of streams, which will contain
            /// the prefetched data for each reverse reference.
            /// If `watch` is true, the streams will be watched and the TypedResult object will be updated when the prefetched data changes.
            /// Otherwise, the streams of prefetched data will only be read once.
            getPrefetchedDataCallback: (items) async {
              return [
                if (listings)
                  await $_getPrefetchedData(
                    currentTable: table,
                    managerFromTypedResult: (p0) =>
                      $$ProductTableReferences(db, table, p0).listings,
                    referencedItemsForCurrentItem: (item, referencedItems) =>
                      referencedItems.where((e) => e.product ==,
                    typedResults: items)
         // `explicitlyWatchedTables` is a list of tables which should be watched by the original query.
         explicitlyWatchedTables: [if (listings) db.listing],

So once we run withReferences, we now have a PrefetchHooks class in the manager which will run these callbacks, thereby filling TypedResult with the data we need. So now when we run

  $$ListingTableProcessedTableManager get listings {
    final manager = $$ListingTableTableManager($_db, $_db.listing)
        .filter((f) =>$;
    /// If we have done any prefetches, these listings will be in the typed result
    /// We will take them out and put them in the new manager
    final cache = $_typedResult.readTableOrNull(_listingsTable($_db));
    return ProcessedTableManager(
        manager.$state.copyWith(prefetchedData: cache));

from above, we will get a manager that has prefetchedData included.


BaseReferences($Database $_db, TableInfo<$Table, $Dataclass> $_table, TypedResult $_typedResult)
Create a BaseReferences class


$_db → $Database
The database instance
$_item → $Dataclass
The item these references are for.
$_table TableInfo<$Table, $Dataclass>
The table of this item
$_typedResult TypedResult
The raw TypedResult for this item
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


$_itemColumn<C extends Object>(String name) → C?
Extracts the value of a column with the given name in the $_typedResult row.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.