utils/utils library


DigitDataModelSingleton is a singleton class that holds environment configuration variables.
IdGen is a singleton class that generates unique identifiers. It uses the Uuid package to generate version 1 UUIDs.


PersistenceConfiguration is an enum that represents the different types of persistence configurations.


buildAnd(Iterable<Expression<bool>> iterable) → Expression<bool>
This function takes an iterable of boolean expressions and builds an AND expression from them. If the iterable is empty, it returns a constant true expression. Otherwise, it reduces the iterable to a single expression using the & operator, and checks if the result equals true.
buildOr(Iterable<Expression<bool>> iterable) → Expression<bool>
This function takes an iterable of boolean expressions and builds an OR expression from them. If the iterable is empty, it returns a constant true expression. Otherwise, it reduces the iterable to a single expression using the | operator, and checks if the result equals true.
retryLocalCallOperation<T>(Future<T> operation(), {int maxRetries = 5, Duration retryDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) Future<T>