widgets library

This library provides Dawn's essential and unstyled widgets and their relevant APIs.


ChildlessPaintedNode<T extends PaintedWidget, U extends Element>
A PaintedNode with no children.
ConsumerBuilder<T extends Store>
A widget that is rebuilt with the latest state of a Store provided by a Provider.
ConsumerWidget<T extends Store>
A base class for widgets that are rebuilt with the latest state of a Store provided by a Provider.
A Widget that paints an html.DivElement.
A Node corresponding to Container.
A Widget that is rebuilt with the latest snapshot of a Future.
A Widget that paints an html.ImageElement.
A Node corresponding to Image.
InheritedNode<T extends InheritedWidget>
A Node corresponding to InheritedWidget.
The base class for widgets that efficiently propagate information down the tree.
MultiChildNode<T extends Widget>
A ReassemblableNode with multiple children in the Node tree.
MultiChildPaintedNode<T extends PaintedWidget, U extends Element>
A PaintedNode with multiple children.
A navigation outlet.
Node<T extends Widget>
An instantiation of a Widget at a particular location in the Node tree.
The base class for widgets that paint an html.Element.
A widget that propagates multiple Store instances down the tree.
Similar to ref in React and GlobalKey in Flutter.
SingleChildNode<T extends Widget>
A ReassemblableNode with only one child in the Node tree.
SingleChildPaintedNode<T extends PaintedWidget, U extends Element>
A PaintedNode with one child.
State<T extends StatefulWidget>
The logic and internal state for a StatefulWidget.
A widget that has a State and calls a closure to obtain its child widget.
StatefulNode<T extends StatefulWidget>
A Node corresponding to StatefulWidget.
A Widget that has a mutable state.
A stateless utility Widget whose build method uses its builder callback to create the widget's child.
StatelessNode<T extends StatelessWidget>
A Node corresponding to StatelessWidget.
A Widget that does not have a mutable state.
A Widget that is rebuilt with the latest snapshot of a Stream.
A Widget that paints an html.SpanElement.
A Node corresponding to Text.
The base class for all of Dawn's widgets.


PaintedNode<T extends PaintedWidget, U extends Element>
A Node corresponding to PaintedWidget.
ReassemblableNode<T extends Widget>
A Node with a child or multiple children in the Node tree.


ProviderHelpers on BuildContext
Provider utilities that are added to BuildContext.


ConsumerWidgetBuilder<T extends Store> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T store)
The type of the builder function used in a ConsumerBuilder.
StatefulWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, StateSetter setState)
The type of the builder function used in a StatefulBuilder.
StatelessWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context)
The type of the builder function used in a StatelessBuilder.
StateSetter = void Function(void callback())
The type of the function that updates a State.