Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Data Extension for Uint8List.



bits String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as String of bits.
no setter
bits8 String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as 8 bits String.
no setter
bits16 String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as 16 bits String.
no setter
bits32 String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as 32 bits String.
no setter
bits64 String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as 64 bits String.
no setter


asByteData() ByteData

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a ByteData of this buffer with the respective offset and length.
bitsPadded(int width) String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this bytes as String of bits of length width.
bytesHashCode() int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a hashcode of this bytes.
convertToUint16List([Endian endian = Endian.big]) Uint16List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this instance to an Uint16List.
convertToUint32List([Endian endian = Endian.big]) Uint32List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this instance to an Uint32List.
convertToUint64List([Endian endian = Endian.big]) Uint64List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this instance to an Uint64List.
copy() Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a copy of this instance.
copyAsUnmodifiable() Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns an unmodifiable copy of this instance.
equals(Uint8List other) bool

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns true of other elements are equals.
getInt16([int byteOffset = 0]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Int16 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 2 bytes).
getInt32([int byteOffset = 0]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Int32 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 4 bytes).
getInt64([int byteOffset = 0]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Int64 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 8 bytes).
getInt8([int byteOffset = 0]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Int8 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 1 byte).
getUint16([int byteOffset = 0, Endian endian = Endian.big]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Uint16 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 2 bytes).
getUint32([int byteOffset = 0, Endian endian = Endian.big]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Uint32 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 4 bytes).
getUint64([int byteOffset = 0, Endian endian = Endian.big]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Uint64 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 8 bytes).
getUint8([int byteOffset = 0]) int

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns a Uint8 at byteOffset of this bytes buffer (reads 1 byte).
group(Uint8List other) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Groups this instance with other.
merge(Uint8List other, int merger(int a, int b, int index)) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Merges this instance with other using the merger Function for each byte.
readBigInt([int offset = 0]) MapEntry<int, BigInt>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads a BigInt at offset. See BigIntExtension.toBytes for encoding description.
readBlock16([int offset = 0]) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads a bytes block, using a Uint16 prefix (2 bytes of length prefix).
readBlock32([int offset = 0]) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads a bytes block, using a Uint32 prefix (4 bytes of length prefix).
readBytes([int offset = 0, int? length]) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads bytes (Uint8List) of length at offset.
readDateTime([int offset = 0]) DateTime

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads a DateTime at offset. It's encoded as a Uint64 of DateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch.
readWritables<W extends Writable>(W reader(BytesBuffer input)) List<W>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Reads a list of Writable using the reader function to instantiate the W elements.
reverseBytes() Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Returns this instance in a reversed order.
setInt16(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Int16 at byteOffset.
setInt32(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Int32 at byteOffset.
setInt64(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Int64 at byteOffset.
setInt8(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Int8 at byteOffset.
setUint16(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Uint16 at byteOffset.
setUint32(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Uint32 at byteOffset.
setUint64(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Uint64 at byteOffset.
setUint8(int n, [int byteOffset = 0]) → void

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Sets n as a Uint8 at byteOffset.
subView([int offset = 0, int? length]) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

A sub Uint8List view of region.
subViewTail(int tailLength) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

A sub Uint8List view of the tail.
tail(int length) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

The tail of this Uint8List instance.
toBigInt({Endian endian = Endian.big}) BigInt

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a BigInt (through toHex).
toBytesBuffer({int offset = 0, int? length, int? bufferLength, bool copyBuffer = false}) BytesBuffer

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Instantiates a BytesBuffer from this Uint8List instance.
toHex({Endian endian = Endian.big}) String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to HEX.
toHexBigEndian() String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to HEX (big-endian).
toHexLittleEndian() String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to HEX (little-endian).
toListOfInt16() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Int16.
toListOfInt32() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Int32.
toListOfInt64() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Int64.
toListOfInt8() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Int8.
toListOfUint16() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Uint16.
toListOfUint32() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Uint32.
toListOfUint64() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Uint64.
toListOfUint8() List<int>

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Converts this bytes to a List of Uint8.
toStringLatin1() String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Decodes this bytes as a LATIN-1 String.
toStringUTF8() String

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Decodes this bytes as a UTF-8 String.


operator &(Uint8List other) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Merges this instance with other using the AND logical operator.
operator ^(Uint8List other) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Merges this instance with other using the XOR logical operator.
operator |(Uint8List other) Uint8List

Available on Uint8List, provided by the Uint8ListDataExtension extension

Merges this instance with other using the OR logical operator.