LceTerminated<DATA extends Object> class

A special state that may be used to terminate state emission in cases we always need a latest state to proceed For example we have a view that subscribes to LceState for a resource identified with some PARAMS. Than a delete operation is performed on that resource and it is not available anymore. The one may emit LceTerminated to do a special processing (e.g. close the corresponding view) instead of doing it through server request that will return a Not found error and doing a special case processing afterwards. Also useful when onComplete from state-emitter can't be processed by the end-subscriber. For example LiveData does not emit completion and caches the latest emission. So converting stream to LiveData will loose Rx completion logic.

Available extensions


Flow terminated state


data → DATA?
State data
dataIsValid bool
A property that is evaluated internally and may mean that data being emitted is stall, invalidated or otherwise 'not-so-valid' until some further emission (say after network reload).
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toError(Exception error) LceError<DATA>
Transfers to LceError state with error preserving data
toLoading([LoadingType type = LoadingType.loading]) LceLoading<DATA>
Transfers to LceLoading state with loading type preserving data
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
when<T extends Object>({required T loading(LceLoading<DATA> state), required T content(LceContent<DATA> state), required T error(LceError<DATA> state), T terminated()?}) → T
Emulates sealed class with every state callback required except terminated. Override it if you expect termination or leave empty to throw exception
whenElse<T extends Object>({T loading(LceLoading<DATA> state)?, T content(LceContent<DATA> state)?, T error(LceError<DATA> state)?, T terminated()?, required T onElse(LceState<DATA> state)}) → T
Emulates sealed class with only one onElse callback required. Every unset callback will be routed to onElse case.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.