add<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addF32(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addF64(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addI16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addI32(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addI8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addU16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
addU8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
adjustROI(int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)
→ Mat
Adjusts a submatrix size and position within the parent matrix.
at<T>(int i0, int i1, [int? i2])
→ T
cv::Mat::at<T>(i0, i1, i2) of cv::Mat
atF32(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ double
atF64(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ double
atI16(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ int
atI32(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ int
atI8(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ int
atNum(int i0, int i1, {int? i2, MatType? mtype})
→ num
wrapper of cv::Mat::at()
atPixel(int row, int col, {MatType? mtype})
→ List<num>
Get pixel value via
, col
, returns a view of native data
atU16(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ int
atU8(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ int
atVec<T>(int row, int col)
→ T
→ Mat
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
col(int x)
→ Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix column.
colRange(int start, int end)
→ Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified column span.
colRangeAsync(int start, int end)
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
convertTo(MatType type, {bool inplace = false, double alpha = 1, double beta = 0})
→ Mat
Converts an array to another data type with optional scaling.
convertToAsync(MatType type, {double alpha = 1, double beta = 0})
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
→ Mat
copyTo(Mat dst, {Mat? mask})
→ void
Copies the matrix to another one.
copyToAsync(Mat dst, {Mat? mask})
→ Future<void>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
→ void
divide<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideF32(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideF64(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideI16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideI32(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideI8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideU16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
divideU8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
forEachPixel(void callback(int row, int col, List<num> pixel))
→ void
Iterate over all pixels in the Mat.
forEachRow(void callback(int row, List<num> values))
→ void
Iterate over all rows in the Mat.
isSubtype<S, T>()
→ bool
→ (Size, Point)
Locates the matrix header within a parent matrix.
mean({Mat? mask})
→ Scalar
meanAsync({Mat? mask})
→ Future<Scalar>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
mul(Mat other, {bool inplace = false, double scale = 1.0})
→ Mat
Performs an element-wise multiplication or division of the two matrices.
multiply<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyF32(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyF64(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyI16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyI32(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyI8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
Matrix multiplication
multiplyU16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
multiplyU8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patchNaNs({double val = 0})
→ void
PatchNaNs converts NaN's to zeros.
patchNaNsAsync({double val = 0.0})
→ Future<void>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
PatchNaNs converts NaN's to zeros.
ptrAt<T extends NativeType>(int i0, [int? i1, int? i2])
→ Pointer<T>
equivalent to Mat::ptr<T>(i0, i1, i2)
ptrAtF16(int i0, [int? i1, int? i2])
→ Float16P
region(Rect rect)
→ Mat
regionAsync(Rect rect)
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
→ void
reshape(int cn, [int rows = 0])
→ Mat
Changes the shape and/or the number of channels of a 2D matrix without copying the data.
reshapeAsync(int cn, [int rows = 0])
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
reshapeTo(int cn, List<int> newshape)
→ Mat
rotate(int rotationCode, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
rotateAsync(int rotationCode, {bool inplace = false})
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
row(int y)
→ Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix row.
rowRange(int start, int end)
→ Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified row span.
rowRangeAsync(int start, int end)
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
set<T>(int i0, int i1, T val, [int? i2])
→ void
equivalent to Mat::at<T>(i0, i1, i2) = val;
where T might be int, double, or cv::Vec<> like cv::Vec3b
setF32(int i0, double val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setF64(int i0, double val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setI16(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setI32(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setI8(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setNum(int i0, int i1, num val, [int? i2])
→ void
setTo(Scalar value, {Mat? mask})
→ Mat
Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value.
setU16(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setU8(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2})
→ void
setVec<T extends CvVec<Struct>>(int row, int col, T val)
→ void
→ Mat
Calculates a square root of array elements.
→ Future<Mat>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
Calculates a square root of array elements.
→ Scalar
Calculates standard deviation, per channel.
subtract<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractF32(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractF64(double val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractI16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractI32(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractI8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractU16(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
subtractU8(int val, {bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
→ Scalar
Sum calculates the per-channel pixel sum of an image.
→ Future<Scalar>
Available on Mat,
provided by the MatAsync extension
Sum calculates the per-channel pixel sum of an image.
→ Mat
Transposes a matrix.
toFmtString({int fmtType = FMT_NUMPY, int f16Precision = 4, int f32Precision = 8, int f64Precision = 16, bool multiLine = true})
→ String
→ List<List<num>>
This Method converts single-channel Mat to 2D List
→ List<List<List<num>>>
Returns a 3D list of the mat, only for multi-channel mats.
The list is ordered as colchannels.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
transpose({bool inplace = false})
→ Mat
→ Scalar
Similar to stdDev