Mat class

Available extensions


Mat.create({int rows = 0, int cols = 0, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 0, MatType? type})
Mat.eye(int rows, int cols, MatType type)
Returns an identity matrix of the specified size and type.
Mat.from2DList(Iterable<Iterable<num>> data, MatType type)
Create a Mat from a 2D list
Mat.from3DList(Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<num>>> data, MatType type)
Create a Mat from a 3D list
Mat.fromBuffer(int rows, int cols, MatType type, Pointer<Void> buff)
Create a Mat from self-allocated buffer
Mat.fromList(int rows, int cols, MatType type, List<num> data)
Create a Mat from a list of data
Mat.fromMat(Mat mat, {bool copy = false, Rect? roi})
create a Mat reference from another Mat if copy is false, otherwise a copy will be created.
Mat.fromPointer(MatPtr mat, [bool attach = true])
construct from pointer directly
Mat.fromRange(Mat mat, int rowStart, int rowEnd, {int colStart = 0, int? colEnd})
Create Mat from another Mat with range
Mat.fromScalar(int rows, int cols, MatType type, Scalar s)
rows Number of rows in a 2D array.
Mat.fromVec(Vec<Struct, dynamic> vec, {int? rows, int? cols, MatType? type, bool copyData = true})
Create Mat from a vector Vec
Mat.ones(int rows, int cols, MatType type)
Returns an array of all 1's of the specified size and type.
Mat.randn(int rows, int cols, MatType type, {Scalar? mean, Scalar? std})
Mat.randu(int rows, int cols, MatType type, {Scalar? low, Scalar? high})
Mat.zeros(int rows, int cols, MatType type)
Returns a zero array of the specified size and type.


channels int
no setter
cols int
no setter
countNoneZero int
only for channels == 1
no setter
data Uint8List
Get a view of native data, and will be GCed when the Mat is GCed.
no setter
dataPtr Pointer<U8>
Get the data pointer of the Mat
no setter
dims int
no setter
elemSize int
Returns the matrix element size in bytes.
no setter
elemSize1 int
Returns the size of each matrix element channel in bytes.
no setter
flags int
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height int
no setter
isContinus bool
no setter
isEmpty bool
no setter
isSubmatrix bool
no setter
props List<Object?>
no setterinherited
ptr Pointer<Mat>
getter/setter pairinherited
ref → Mat
no setteroverride
rows int
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shape List<int>
(rows, cols, channels)
no setter
size VecI32
no setter
step → (int, int, int)
no setter
total int
no setter
type MatType
no setter
width int
no setter


add<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addF32(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addF64(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addI16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addI32(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addI8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addU16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
addU8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
adjustROI(int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright) Mat
Adjusts a submatrix size and position within the parent matrix.
at<T>(int i0, int i1, [int? i2]) → T
cv::Mat::at<T>(i0, i1, i2) of cv::Mat
atF32(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) double
atF64(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) double
atI16(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) int
atI32(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) int
atI8(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) int
atNum(int i0, int i1, {int? i2, MatType? mtype}) num
wrapper of cv::Mat::at()
atPixel(int row, int col, {MatType? mtype}) List<num>
Get pixel value via row, col, returns a view of native data
atU16(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) int
atU8(int i0, {int? i1, int? i2}) int
atVec<T>(int row, int col) → T
clone() Mat
cloneAsync() Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

col(int x) Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix column.
colRange(int start, int end) Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified column span.
colRangeAsync(int start, int end) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

convertTo(MatType type, {bool inplace = false, double alpha = 1, double beta = 0}) Mat
Converts an array to another data type with optional scaling.
convertToAsync(MatType type, {double alpha = 1, double beta = 0}) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

convertToFp16() Mat
copyTo(Mat dst, {Mat? mask}) → void
Copies the matrix to another one.
copyToAsync(Mat dst, {Mat? mask}) Future<void>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

dispose() → void
divide<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideF32(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideF64(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideI16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideI32(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideI8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideU16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
divideU8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
forEachPixel(void callback(int row, int col, List<num> pixel)) → void
Iterate over all pixels in the Mat.
forEachRow(void callback(int row, List<num> values)) → void
Iterate over all rows in the Mat.
isSubtype<S, T>() bool
locateROI() → (Size, Point)
Locates the matrix header within a parent matrix.
mean({Mat? mask}) Scalar
meanAsync({Mat? mask}) Future<Scalar>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

mul(Mat other, {bool inplace = false, double scale = 1.0}) Mat
Performs an element-wise multiplication or division of the two matrices.
multiply<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyF32(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyF64(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyI16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyI32(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyI8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
Matrix multiplication
multiplyU16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
multiplyU8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patchNaNs({double val = 0}) → void
PatchNaNs converts NaN's to zeros.
patchNaNsAsync({double val = 0.0}) Future<void>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

PatchNaNs converts NaN's to zeros.
ptrAt<T extends NativeType>(int i0, [int? i1, int? i2]) Pointer<T>
equivalent to Mat::ptr<T>(i0, i1, i2)
ptrAtF16(int i0, [int? i1, int? i2]) Float16P
region(Rect rect) Mat
regionAsync(Rect rect) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

release() → void
reshape(int cn, [int rows = 0]) Mat
Changes the shape and/or the number of channels of a 2D matrix without copying the data.
reshapeAsync(int cn, [int rows = 0]) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

reshapeTo(int cn, List<int> newshape) Mat
rotate(int rotationCode, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
rotateAsync(int rotationCode, {bool inplace = false}) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

row(int y) Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified matrix row.
rowRange(int start, int end) Mat
Creates a matrix header for the specified row span.
rowRangeAsync(int start, int end) Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

set<T>(int i0, int i1, T val, [int? i2]) → void
equivalent to Mat::at<T>(i0, i1, i2) = val; where T might be int, double, or cv::Vec<> like cv::Vec3b
setF32(int i0, double val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setF64(int i0, double val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setI16(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setI32(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setI8(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setNum(int i0, int i1, num val, [int? i2]) → void
setTo(Scalar value, {Mat? mask}) Mat
Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value.
setU16(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setU8(int i0, int val, {int? i1, int? i2}) → void
setVec<T extends CvVec<Struct>>(int row, int col, T val) → void
sqrt() Mat
Calculates a square root of array elements.
sqrtAsync() Future<Mat>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

Calculates a square root of array elements.
stdDev() Scalar
Calculates standard deviation, per channel.
subtract<T>(T val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractF32(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractF64(double val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractI16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractI32(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractI8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractMat(Mat other, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractU16(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
subtractU8(int val, {bool inplace = false}) Mat
sum() Scalar
Sum calculates the per-channel pixel sum of an image.
sumAsync() Future<Scalar>

Available on Mat, provided by the MatAsync extension

Sum calculates the per-channel pixel sum of an image.
t() Mat
Transposes a matrix.
toFmtString({int fmtType = FMT_NUMPY, int f16Precision = 4, int f32Precision = 8, int f64Precision = 16, bool multiLine = true}) String
toList() List<List<num>>
This Method converts single-channel Mat to 2D List
toList3D() List<List<List<num>>>
Returns a 3D list of the mat, only for multi-channel mats. The list is ordered as colchannels.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transpose({bool inplace = false}) Mat
variance() Scalar
Similar to stdDev


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

finalizer NativeFinalizer


FMT_C → const int
FMT_CSV → const int
FMT_DEFAULT → const int
FMT_MATLAB → const int
FMT_NUMPY → const int
FMT_PYTHON → const int