atNum method
wrapper of cv::Mat::at()
: cached MatType to speedup pixel access
num atNum(int i0, int i1, {int? i2, MatType? mtype}) {
mtype ??= type;
return switch (mtype.depth) {
MatType.CV_8U => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<U8>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<U8>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_8S => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<I8>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<I8>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_16U => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<U16>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<U16>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_16S => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<I16>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<I16>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_32S => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<I32>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<I32>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_32F => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<F32>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<F32>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_64F => i2 == null ? (ptrAt<F64>(i0) + i1).value : ptrAt<F64>(i0, i1, i2).value,
MatType.CV_16F => (i2 == null ? ptrAt<U16>(i0) + i1 : ptrAt<U16>(i0, i1, i2)).asFp16().value,
_ => throw UnsupportedError("Unsupported type: ${type.asString()}")