web3dart/web3dart library
Fletch web3dart package.
T> - A type that can be encoded and decoded as specified in the solidity ABI, available at https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html
- AddressType
- Solidity address type
T> - Base class for (non-byte) arrays in solidity.
- BlockInformation
- BlockNum
- For operations that are reading data from the blockchain without making a transaction that would modify it, the Ethereum client can read that data from previous states of the blockchain as well. This class specifies which state to use.
- BoolType
- Solidity bool type
- CompositeFunctionParameter
- A function parameter that includes other named parameter instead of just wrapping single types.
- ContractAbi
- Defines the abi of a deployed Ethereum contract. The abi contains information about the functions defined in that contract.
- ContractEvent
- An event that can be emitted by a smart contract during a transaction.
- ContractFunction
- A function defined in the ABI of an compiled contract.
- Credentials
- Anything that can sign payloads with a private key.
- CredentialsWithKnownAddress
- Credentials where the address is known synchronously.
- CustomTransactionSender
- Interface for Credentials that don't sign transactions locally, for instance because the private key is not known to this library.
T> - DeployedContract
- Helper class that defines a contract with a known ABI that has been deployed on a Ethereum blockchain.
- DynamicBytes
- The solidity bytes type, which decodes byte arrays of arbitrary length.
T> - The solidity T[] type for arrays with an dynamic length.
- EncodingLengthInfo
- Information about whether the length of an encoding depends on the data (dynamic) or is fixed (static). If it's static, also contains information about the length of the encoding.
- EtherAmount
- Utility class to easily convert amounts of Ether into different units of quantities.
- EthereumAddress
- Represents an Ethereum address.
- EthPrivateKey
- Credentials that can sign payloads with an Ethereum private key.
T> - A FunctionParameter that is a component of an event. Contains additional information about whether the parameter is indexed.
- FilterEvent
- A log event emitted in a transaction.
- FilterOptions
- Options for event filters created with Web3Client.events.
- FixedBytes
- The bytes
T> - The solidity T[k] type for arrays whose length is known.
T> - The parameter of a function with its name and the expected type.
- FunctionType
- GeneratedContract
- Base classes for generated contracts.
- IntType
- The solidity int
- JsonRPCHttp
- StringType
- The solidity string type, which utf-8 encodes strings
- SyncInformation
- When the client is currently syncing its blockchain with the network, this representation can be used to find information about at which block the node was before the sync, at which node it currently is and at which block the node will complete its sync.
- Transaction
- TransactionInformation
- TransactionReceipt
- TupleType
- UintType
- The solidity uint
- Wallet
- Represents a wallet file. Wallets are used to securely store credentials like a private key belonging to an Ethereum address. The private key in a wallet is encrypted with a secret password that needs to be known in order to obtain the private key.
- Web3Client
- Class for sending requests over an HTTP JSON-RPC API endpoint to Ethereum clients. This library won't use the accounts feature of clients to use them to create transactions, you will instead have to obtain private keys of accounts yourself.
- ContractFunctionType
- EtherUnit
- StateMutability
- The state mutability of a contract function defines how that function interacts with the blockchain.
- sizeUnitBytes → const int
- The length of the encoding of a solidity type is always a multiplicative of this unit size.
int bodyLength, {bool allowEmpty = false}) → int -
Calculates the amount of padding bytes needed so that the length of the
padding plus the
is a multiplicative of sizeUnitBytes. IfallowEmpty
(defaults to false) is true, an empty length is allowed. Otherwise an emptybodyLength
will be given a full sizeUnitBytes padding. -
String name) → AbiType - Parses an ABI type from its AbiType.name.
int type, Uint8List transaction) → Uint8List
= StreamChannel<
String> Function() - Signature for a function that opens a socket on which json-rpc operations can be performed.