web3dart/contracts library
Library to interact with ethereum smart contracts. Handles encoding and decoding of the solidity contact ABI and creating transactions for calls on smart contracts.
T> - A type that can be encoded and decoded as specified in the solidity ABI, available at https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html
- AddressType
- Solidity address type
T> - Base class for (non-byte) arrays in solidity.
- BoolType
- Solidity bool type
- CompositeFunctionParameter
- A function parameter that includes other named parameter instead of just wrapping single types.
- ContractAbi
- Defines the abi of a deployed Ethereum contract. The abi contains information about the functions defined in that contract.
- ContractEvent
- An event that can be emitted by a smart contract during a transaction.
- ContractFunction
- A function defined in the ABI of an compiled contract.
T> - DeployedContract
- Helper class that defines a contract with a known ABI that has been deployed on a Ethereum blockchain.
- DynamicBytes
- The solidity bytes type, which decodes byte arrays of arbitrary length.
T> - The solidity T[] type for arrays with an dynamic length.
- EncodingLengthInfo
- Information about whether the length of an encoding depends on the data (dynamic) or is fixed (static). If it's static, also contains information about the length of the encoding.
T> - A FunctionParameter that is a component of an event. Contains additional information about whether the parameter is indexed.
- FixedBytes
- The bytes
T> - The solidity T[k] type for arrays whose length is known.
T> - The parameter of a function with its name and the expected type.
- FunctionType
- GeneratedContract
- Base classes for generated contracts.
- IntType
- The solidity int
- StringType
- The solidity string type, which utf-8 encodes strings
- TupleType
- UintType
- The solidity uint
- ContractFunctionType
- StateMutability
- The state mutability of a contract function defines how that function interacts with the blockchain.
- sizeUnitBytes → const int
- The length of the encoding of a solidity type is always a multiplicative of this unit size.
int bodyLength, {bool allowEmpty = false}) → int -
Calculates the amount of padding bytes needed so that the length of the
padding plus the
is a multiplicative of sizeUnitBytes. IfallowEmpty
(defaults to false) is true, an empty length is allowed. Otherwise an emptybodyLength
will be given a full sizeUnitBytes padding. -
String name) → AbiType - Parses an ABI type from its AbiType.name.