util library


Important information of TLS Certificate
Thing we can iterate over as an Iterable like in a enumerate Python. Equiv
Result<S, E>
This can be returned on any operation which may or may not succeed for any defined reason


addElementToListOrInit(Json json, SimpleJsonPath path, dynamic value) → dynamic
will create a list or add an element to an existing list
addPaddingToBase64(String base64Input) String
buildCsrForDid(WalletStore wallet, String did, {String? countryCode, String? state, String? city, String? organization, String? organizationalUnit, String? emailAddress}) Future<String>
Generate a x509 Certificate Signing Request for a key belonging to did.
credentialToMap(dynamic credential) Map<String, dynamic>
Converts json-String credential to dart Map.
enumerate<T>(Iterable<T?> iterable) Iterable<Enumerator<T?>>
used as a Python enumerate function
forceAsList(Json json, SimpleJsonPath path) → dynamic
will force an entry which may come es a string into a list if it is not already. @hint this is an inplace operation!
getByPath(Json json, SimpleJsonPath path) → dynamic
tries to follow a given path in a json mapping
getCertificateInfoFromUrl(String url) Future<CertificateInformation?>
Request TLS Certificate of url and extract important information from it.
getDidFromDidConfiguration(String url) Future<List<String>>
multibaseKeyToJwk(String multibaseKey) Map<String, dynamic>
multibaseToBase64Url(String multibase) String
removePaddingFromBase64(String base64Input) String
searchForMatchingCredentials({required RequestPresentation message, required WalletStore wallet}) Future<List<FilterResult>>
will search matching credentials in wallet given a presentation request message and return a list of FilterResults
setValueInJson(Json json, SimpleJsonPath path, dynamic value) → dynamic
will set a value at specific position in a json


Json = Map<String, dynamic>
SimpleJsonPath = List
this type is to define a path to a json