WalletStore class

A wallet storing credentials and keys permanently using Hive.

Keys are stored and generated according to BIP32 standard. Per default the path m/456/0/index is used for keys and dids to prove and identify the credentials someone hold. If a wallet is also used to issue credentials the keypair found at path m/456/1/0 is the default one.


WalletStore(String _walletPath)
Constructs a wallet at file-system path path.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
standardConnectionPath String
The path used to derive connection keys
standardConnectionPathEd String
The path used to derive connection keys
standardConnectionPathX String
The path used to derive connection keys
standardCredentialPath String
The path used to derive credential keys
standardCredentialPathEd String
The path used to derive credential keys


closeBoxes() Future<void>
Closes storage containers.
deleteConfigEntry(String key) Future<void>
deleteConnection(String connectionDid) Future<void>
deleteCredential(String credentialDid) Future<void>
deleteExchangeHistory(String credentialDid) Future<void>
getAllConnections() Map<dynamic, Connection>
Lists all connections.
getAllCredentials() Map<dynamic, Credential>
Lists all credentials.
getAllIssuedCredentials() Map<dynamic, Credential>
Returns all credentials one issued over time.
getBoxes() Map<String, Box?>
getConfigEntry(String key) String?
Returns the configuration Entry for key.
getConnection(String? did) Connection?
Returns the connection associated with did.
getConversationEntry(String threadId) DidcommConversation?
getCredential(String? did) Credential?
Returns the credential associated with did.
getDid(String hdPath, [KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Returns the DID associated with hdPath.
getExchangeHistoryEntriesForCredential(String credentialDid) List<ExchangeHistoryEntry>?
Returns the Exchange History associated with a credential identified by credentialDid.
getIssuedCredential(String holderDid) Credential?
Returns a credential one issued to holderDid.
getKeyAgreementKeyForDid(String did) Future<String?>
getKeyAgreementKeyForDidAsJwk(String did) Future<Map<String, dynamic>?>
getLastConnectionDid([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) String?
getLastConnectionIndex([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) int?
Returns the last value of the next HD-path for the connection keys.
getLastCredentialDid([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) String?
getLastCredentialIndex([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) int?
Returns the last value of the next HD-path for the credential keys.
getNextConnectionDID([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Returns a new connection-DID.
getNextCredentialDID([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Returns a new DID a credential could be issued for.
getPrivateKey(String hdPath, [KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Returns the private key as hex-String associated with hdPath.
getPrivateKeyForConnectionDid(String did) Future<String?>
Returns the private key as hex-String associated with did.
getPrivateKeyForConnectionDidAsJwk(String did) Future<Map<String, dynamic>?>
getPrivateKeyForCredentialDid(String did) Future<String?>
Returns the private key as hex-String associated with did.
getPrivateKeyForCredentialDidAsJwk(String did) Future<Map<String, dynamic>?>
getPrivateKeyJwk(String hdPath, [KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
getPublicKey(String hdPath, [KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Returns the public key as hex-String associated with hdPath.
getStandardIssuerDid([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) String?
Returns the DID for issuing credentials.
getStandardIssuerPrivateKey([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String?>
Returns the private key for issuing credentials.
initialize({String? mnemonic, String network = 'mainnet'}) Future<String?>
Initializes new hierarchical deterministic wallet or restores one from given mnemonic.
initializeIssuer([KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) Future<String>
Generates and returns DID for the issuer.
isInitialized() bool
isWalletOpen() bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openBoxes([String? password]) Future<bool>
Opens storage containers optional encrypted with password
storeConfigEntry(String key, String value) Future<void>
Stores a configuration Entry.
storeConnection(String otherDid, String name, String? hdPath, {KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1, String? comDid}) Future<void>
Stores a Connection permanently.
storeConversationEntry(DidcommPlaintextMessage message, String myDid) Future<void>
storeCredential(String? w3cCred, String? plaintextCred, String? hdPath, {KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1, String? credDid}) Future<void>
Stores a credential permanently.
storeExchangeHistoryEntry(String credentialDid, DateTime timestamp, String action, String otherParty, [List<String>? shownAttributes]) Future<void>
Put a new Entry to Exchange history of a credential identified by credentialDid.
toIssuingHistory(String holderDid, String plaintextCredential, String w3cCredential) → void
Stores a credential issued to holderDid.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.