transferInt8 method

Pointer<Uint8> transferInt8(
  1. Pointer<Uint8> data,
  2. bool reuseBuffer,
  3. int len

Shifts out len word counts of the data budder, while shifting in the result buffer. If reuseBuffer is true, data will be used the result buffer, for false a new buffer will be created.

Returns a ' Pointer


Pointer<Uint8> transferInt8(Pointer<Uint8> data, bool reuseBuffer, int len) {
  Pointer<Uint8> inPtr;
  Pointer<Uint8> outPtr = nullptr;
  if (reuseBuffer) {
    inPtr = outPtr = data;
  } else {
    inPtr = data;
    outPtr = malloc<Uint8>(len);
  _checkError(_nativeTransfer(_spiHandle, inPtr, outPtr, len));
  return outPtr;