Dart Frog

ci coverage pub package style: very good analysis License: MIT

A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart 🎯

Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄

Documentation 📝

For official documentation, please visit dartfrog.vgv.dev.

Quick Start 🚀

Prerequisites 📝

In order to use Dart Frog you must have the Dart SDK installed on your machine.

Installing 🧑‍💻

# 📦 Install the dart_frog cli from source
dart pub global activate dart_frog_cli

Creating a Project ✨

Use the dart_frog create command to create a new project.

# 🚀 Create a new project called "my_project"
dart_frog create my_project

Start the Dev Server 🏁

Next, open the newly created project and start the dev server via:

# 🏁 Start the dev server
dart_frog dev

Create a Production Build 📦

Create a production build which includes a DockerFile so that you can deploy anywhere:

# 📦 Create a production build
dart_frog build

Documentation 📝

View the full documentation here.


A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart 🎯