dart_either library

Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học.

Either is a type that represents either Right (usually represent a "desired" value) or Left (usually represent a "undesired" value or error value).

Elm Result. Haskell Data.Either. Rust Result.

In day-to-day programming, it is fairly common to find ourselves writing functions that can fail. For instance, querying a service may result in a connection issue, or some unexpected JSON response.

To communicate these errors, it has become common practice to throw exceptions; however, exceptions are not tracked in any way, shape, or form by the compiler. To see what kind of exceptions (if any) a function may throw, we have to dig through the source code. Then, to handle these exceptions, we have to make sure we catch them at the call site. This all becomes even more unwieldy when we try to compose exception-throwing procedures.

double throwsSomeStuff(int i) => throw UnimplementedError();

String throwsOtherThings(double d) => throw UnimplementedError();

List<int> moreThrowing(String s) => throw UnimplementedError();

List<int> magic(int i) => moreThrowing( throwsOtherThings( throwsSomeStuff(i) ) );

Assume we happily throw exceptions in our code. Looking at the types of the functions above, any could throw a number of exceptions -- we do not know. When we compose, exceptions from any of the constituent functions can be thrown. Moreover, they may throw the same kind of exception (e.g., ArgumentError) and, thus, it gets tricky tracking exactly where an exception came from.

How then do we communicate an error? By making it explicit in the data type we return.


Either is used to short-circuit a computation upon the first error. By convention, the right side of an Either is used to hold successful values.

Because Either is right-biased, it is possible to define a Monad instance for it. Since we only ever want the computation to continue in the case of Right (as captured by the right-bias nature), we fix the left type parameter and leave the right one free. So, the map and flatMap methods are right-biased.


Either<L, R>
Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học.
Used for monad comprehensions. Cannot implement or extend this class.
Left<L, R>
The left side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the Right side.
The right side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the Left side.


AsFutureEitherExtension on Either<L, R>
Provide toFuture extension on Either.
AsyncFlatMapFutureExtension on Future<Either<L, R>>
Provide thenFlatMapEither extension on Future of Either.
AsyncMapFutureExtension on Future<Either<L, R>>
Provide thenMapEither extension on Future of Either.
BindEitherExtension on Either<L, R>
Provide bind extension on an Either.
BindEitherFutureExtension on Future<Either<L, R>>
Provide bind extension on a Future of Either.
BindFutureEitherEffectExtension on EitherEffect<L>
Provide bindFuture extension on EitherEffect.
EnsureEitherEffectExtension on EitherEffect<L>
Provide ensure extension on EitherEffect.
EnsureNotNullEitherEffectExtension on EitherEffect<L>
Provide ensureNotNull extension on EitherEffect.
GetOrThrowEitherExtension on Either<L, R>
Provide getOrThrow extension on Either.
ToEitherFutureExtension on Future<R>
Provide toEitherFuture extension on Future.
ToEitherObjectExtension on T
Provide left and right extensions on any types.
ToEitherStreamExtension on Stream<R>
Provide toEitherStream extension on Stream.


monadComprehensions → const _MonadComprehensions
Monad comprehensions is the name for a programming idiom available in multiple languages like JavaScript, F#, Scala, or Haskell. The purpose of monad comprehensions is to compose sequential chains of actions in a style that feels natural for programmers of all backgrounds. They’re similar to coroutines or async/await, but extensible to existing and new types!


ErrorMapper<T> = T Function(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)
Map error and stackTrace to a T value.

Exceptions / Errors

Error thrown by EitherEffect. Must not be caught. Cannot implement or extend this class.