thenMapEither<C> method

Future<Either<L, C>> thenMapEither<C>(
  1. FutureOr<C> f(
    1. R value

map the Either in the Future context.

When this Future completes with a Right value, calling f callback with Right.value. And returns a new Future which is completed with a Right value which containing the result of the call to f.

If this Future completes with a Left value, returns a Future that completes with a Left which containing original Left.value.

This function does not handle any errors. See Future.then.


Future<Either<L, C>> thenMapEither<C>(FutureOr<C> Function(R value) f) =>
      (either) => either.fold(
        ifLeft: (v) => v.left<C>(),
        ifRight: (v) => Future.sync(() => f(v)).then((v) => v.right<L>()),