Projections topic

Projections transform spherical polygonal geometry to planar polygonal geometry.

D4 provides implementations of several classes of standard projections:

You can implement custom projections using GeoProjection or GeoProjectionMutator.


GeoAlbersUsa Conic projections Projections
A U.S.-centric composite projection of three geoConicEqualArea projections.
GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
Conic projections project the sphere onto a cone, and then unroll the cone onto the plane.
GeoIdentity Projections
The identity transform can be used to scale, translate and clip planar geometry.
GeoProjection Projections
Projections transform spherical polygonal geometry to planar polygonal geometry.
GeoProjectionMutator Projections
A projection wrapper to mutate as needed.
GeoRawProjection Projections
Raw projections are point transformation functions that are used to implement custom projections.
GeoTransform Projections
Transforms are a generalization of projections.
GeoTransverseMercator Cylindrical projections Projections
The transverse spherical Mercator projection.


geoEqualEarthRaw → const GeoRawProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The raw Equal Earth projection, by Bojan Šavrič et al., 2018.
geoEquirectangularRaw → const GeoRawProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The raw equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
geoMercatorRaw → const GeoRawProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The raw spherical Mercator projection.
geoNaturalEarth1Raw → const GeoRawProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The raw Natural Earth projection.
geoTransverseMercatorRaw → const GeoRawProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The raw transverse spherical Mercator projection.


geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw GeoRawProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The raw azimuthal equal-area projection.
geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw GeoRawProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The raw azimuthal equidistant projection.
geoClipAntimeridian GeoStream Function(GeoStream) Projections
A clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries (lines or polygons) that cross the antimeridian line are cut in two, one on each side.
geoGnomonicRaw GeoRawProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The raw gnomonic projection.
geoOrthographicRaw GeoRawProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The raw orthographic projection.
geoStereographicRaw GeoRawProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The raw stereographic projection.


geoAlbers() GeoProjection Conic projections Projections
The Albers’ equal area-conic projection.
geoAzimuthalEqualArea() GeoProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The azimuthal equal-area projection.
geoAzimuthalEquidistant() GeoProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The azimuthal equidistant projection.
geoClipCircle(double angle) GeoStream Function(GeoStream) Projections
Generates a clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries are bounded by a small circle of radius angle around the
geoClipRectangle(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1) GeoStream Function(GeoStream) Projections
Generates a clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries are bounded by a rectangle of coordinates [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]].
geoConicConformal() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The conic conformal projection.
geoConicConformalRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw conic conformal projection.
geoConicEqualArea() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEqualAreaRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEquidistant() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The conic equidistant projection.
geoConicEquidistantRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw conic equidistant projection.
geoEqualEarth() GeoProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The Equal Earth projection, by Bojan Šavrič et al., 2018.
geoEquirectangular() GeoProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
geoGnomonic() GeoProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The gnomonic projection.
geoMercator() GeoProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The spherical Mercator projection.
geoNaturalEarth1() GeoProjection Cylindrical projections Projections
The Natural Earth projection is a pseudocylindrical projection designed by Tom Patterson.
geoOrthographic() GeoProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The orthographic projection.
geoStereographic() GeoProjection Azimuthal projections Projections
The stereographic projection.