Conic projections topic

Conic projections project the sphere onto a cone, and then unroll the cone onto the plane.

Conic projections have two standard parallels.


GeoAlbersUsa Conic projections Projections
A U.S.-centric composite projection of three geoConicEqualArea projections.
GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
Conic projections project the sphere onto a cone, and then unroll the cone onto the plane.


geoAlbers() GeoProjection Conic projections Projections
The Albers’ equal area-conic projection.
geoConicConformal() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The conic conformal projection.
geoConicConformalRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw conic conformal projection.
geoConicEqualArea() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEqualAreaRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEquidistant() GeoConicProjection Conic projections Projections
The conic equidistant projection.
geoConicEquidistantRaw([List? y]) GeoRawProjection Conic projections Projections
The raw conic equidistant projection.