elevation property

double? elevation

Recreation of Material.elevation utilizing Flutter's native Map<int, List<BoxShadow> kElevationToShadow.

Ignored when constructing standard or instant 📜 Curtains.

That map only contains values for

key: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24

👥 package:shadows's Elevation static decoration methods will utilize the largest valid key that is at least equal to this elevation as well as the next highest available key, and BoxShadow.lerpList the two (where t for lerpList is the percentage between these two keys that elevation sits ).

Because Material's elevation BoxShadows have offsets, they do tend to behave better with vertically-scrolling content.
Consider these shadow Offsets when using elevation.

Upgrade to Curtains or Curtains.instant for a full-fat BoxDecorating experience.


final double? elevation;