conviva_tracker library


ConsentGranted Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event used to track a user opting into data collection.
ConsentWithdrawn Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event to track a user withdrawing consent for data collection.
Conviva Getting started Initialization and configuration
Main interface for the package mainly used to initialize trackers and track events.
Route observer that tracks ScreenView or PageViewEvent events when the currently active ModalRoute changes.
ConvivaTracker Getting started
Instance of an initialized Conviva tracker identified by a namespace.
GdprConfiguration Initialization and configuration
Determines the GDPR context that will be attached to all events sent by the tracker.
NetworkConfiguration Initialization and configuration
Configuration of the collector network endpoint.
PageViewEvent Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event to capture page views on the Web. Not implemented on mobile platforms.
ScreenView Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event to track user viewing a screen within the application.
SelfDescribing Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event to track custom information that does not fit into the out-of-the box events.
Resolution or viewport of screen.
Structured Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event to capture custom consumer interactions without the need to define a custom schema.
SubjectConfiguration Initialization and configuration
Subject information about tracked user and device that is added to events.
Timing Adding data to your events Tracking events
Event used to track user timing events such as how long resources take to load.
TrackerConfiguration Initialization and configuration Sessions and data model
Configuration of the tracker and the core tracker properties.
WebActivityTracking Initialization and configuration Sessions and data model
Configuration for the behavior of page tracking on Web. Initializing the configuration will inform ConvivaObserver observers to auto track PageViewEvent events instead of ScreenView events on navigation changes. Further, setting the minimumVisitLength and heartbeatDelay properties will enable activity tracking using 'page ping' events on Web.


Device platform the tracker runs on


defaultNameExtractor(RouteSettings settings) String?


ScreenNameExtractor = String? Function(RouteSettings settings)
Signature for a function that extracts view name from RouteSettings to be used in ScreenView or PageViewEvent events tracked in the observer.