
pub common_bloc codecov License: MIT style: very good analysis

A collection of common blocs that maybe will be used very often.

Idea of this

Sometimes we need to create various blocs in the same project to do almost the same thing. This is a collection of blocs to no write so many code.

Powered by

common_bloc 4.0.0

As of version 4.0.0, you must use Dart >= 2.12.



This is a bloc to make network requests over a REST API.


To use it, we need to create an instance:

final restBloc = RestBloc('<baseUrl>'); //BaseURL of REST API.

Also, we can pass a list of interceptors:

final restBloc = RestBloc('<baseUrl>', interceptors: []);

Uses the InterceptorContract class of http_interceptor package to listen to request and response.

After that, we can use the following methods:

restBloc.get('path'); // With optional params as a Map<String, String>.'path', body: body); // With body as a String.
restBloc.put('path', body: body); // With body as a String.
restBloc.patch('path', body: body); // With body as a String.

In all of the methods (except 'delete'), we have an optional param named: fromJson

restBloc.get('path', fromJson: fromJson);

This must be a Function to convert the response into an object. Expects to work with json_serilizable and BuiltValue

restBloc.get('path', fromJson: Data.fromJson);

In that, the 'data' object will be of that type.


As a bloc, we have states to manage the request and because is powered by freezed, we can use something like:

BlocBuilder<RestBloc, RestState>(
  bloc: restBloc,
  builder: (context, state) => state.when(
    uninitialized: () => Container(), //Widget for UninitializedState
    loading: () => Container(), //Widget for LoadingState
    error: (error) => Container(), //Widget for ErrorState
    loaded: (data, lastPath, timestamp) => Container() //Widget for LoadedState


This bloc will be used when we want to make a task, a request, o something that needs a response/data/result.


This bloc doesn't need params to be constructed.

final requestBloc = RequestBloc();

When we need to perform an action, we call:

requestBloc.perform(action, actionName);

'action' is a function that returns a Future to be resolved and will be the result.

'actionName' is a identifier of what we are doing.

requestBloc.perform(() async => 'Hi!', 'Waving');


This use the same states of RestBloc:

  • uninitialized
  • loading
  • error
  • loaded


This bloc make a request to an RSS url and returns an formatted object.


This bloc doesn't need params to be constructed.

final rssBloc = RssBloc();

Now you can fetch the RSS info:



This bloc use the same states of RestBloc and RequestState.


Cubit versions for Request and Rest are available with the same states and events.

