runInteractiveCodemod function

Future<int> runInteractiveCodemod(
  1. Iterable<String> filePaths,
  2. Suggestor suggestor, {
  3. Iterable<String> args = const [],
  4. bool defaultYes = false,
  5. String? additionalHelpOutput,
  6. String? changesRequiredOutput,

Interactively runs a "codemod" by using stdout to display a diff for each potential patch and stdin to accept input from the user on what to do with said patch; returns an appropriate exit code when complete.

suggestor will generate patches for each file in files. Each patch will be shown to the user to be accepted or skipped.

If defaultYes is true, then the default option for each patch prompt will be yes (meaning that just hitting "enter" will accept the patch). Otherwise, the default action is no (meaning that just hitting "enter" will skip the patch).

Additional CLI args are accepted via args to make it easy to configure certain options at runtime: -h, --help Prints this help output. -v, --verbose Outputs all logging to stdout/stderr. --yes-to-all Forces all patches accepted without prompting the user. Useful for scripts. --stderr-assume-tty Forces ansi color highlighting of stderr. Useful for debugging.

To run a codemod from the command line, setup a .dart file with a main block like so: import 'dart:io';

import 'package:codemod/codemod.dart';

void main(List<String> args) {
  exitCode = runInteractiveCodemod(
    [...], // input files,
    args: args,

For debugging purposes, logs will be written to stderr. By default, only severe logs are reported. If verbose mode is enabled, all logs will be reported. It's recommended that if you need to see these logs while running a codemod for debugging purposes that you redirect stderr to a file and monitor it using tail -f, otherwise the logs may be overwritten and lost every time this function clears the terminal to render a patch diff. $ touch stderr.txt && tail -f stderr.txt $ dart example_codemod.dart --verbose 2>stderr.txt

Additionally, you can retain ansi color highlighting of these logs when redirecting to a file by passing the --stderr-assume-tty flag: $ dart example_codemod.dart --verbose --stderr-assume-tty 2>stderr.txt


Future<int> runInteractiveCodemod(
  Iterable<String> filePaths,
  Suggestor suggestor, {
  Iterable<String> args = const [],
  bool defaultYes = false,
  String? additionalHelpOutput,
  String? changesRequiredOutput,
}) =>
      args: args,
      defaultYes: defaultYes,
      additionalHelpOutput: additionalHelpOutput,
      changesRequiredOutput: changesRequiredOutput,