Suggestor typedef

Suggestor = Stream<Patch> Function(FileContext context)

Function signature representing the core driver of a "codemod" (code modification).

A suggestor's job is to receive a FileContext and generate Patches on that file. A suggestor may generate zero, one, or multiple Patches on each input file.

A suggestor is run via one of the two "runner" methods provided by this library:

During this codemod process, the runner will create the context object for each file and pass it to the suggestor. If this function throws at any point, the runner will log the exception and return early with a non-zero exit code.

For simple suggestors, it may be sufficient to write a function that operates on the source text manually (potentially by using regexes). Here's an example of this: import 'package:codemod/codemod.dart';

/// Pattern that matches a dependency version constraint line for the `codemod`
/// package, with the first capture group being the constraint.
final RegExp pattern = RegExp(
  multiLine: true,

/// The version constraint that `codemod` entries should be updated to.
const String targetConstraint = '^1.0.0';

Stream<Patch> regexSubstituter(FileContext context) async* {
  for (final match in pattern.allMatches(context.sourceText)) {
    final line =;
    final constraint =;
    final updated = line.replaceFirst(constraint, targetConstraint) + '\n';

    yield Patch(updated, match.start, match.end);

If, however, your aim is to modify Dart code, using the analyzer's visitor pattern to traverse the AST or elements is a much more robust option and allows for the creation of very powerful codemods with relatively little effort. See AstVisitingSuggestor.

Finally, it's recommended that you keep your suggestors simple. Rather than writing a single suggestor that performs several modifications that aren't strictly related, a better option is to write several small, focused suggestors that you then combine using aggregate to be run as a single "codemod". This makes maintenance and testing much easier.


typedef Suggestor = Stream<Patch> Function(FileContext context);