Replication topic
- AsyncReplicator Replication
- A Replicator with a primarily asynchronous API.
- Authenticator Replication
- The authentication credentials for a remote server.
- BasicAuthenticator Replication
- An authenticator for HTTP Basic (username/password) auth.
- Conflict Replication
- A conflict between changes in a local and remote Document.
- ConflictResolver Replication
- An object which is able to resolve a Conflict between the local and remote versions of a replicated Document.
- DatabaseEndpoint Replication Enterprise Edition
- An endpoint representing a local Database as the replication target.
- DocumentReplication Replication
- Event which is emitted when Documents have been replicated.
- Endpoint Replication
- The location of a database to replicate with.
- ReplicatedDocument Replication
- Information about a Document that has been replicated.
- Replicator Replication
- A replicator for replicating Documents between a local database and a target database.
- ReplicatorChange Replication
- Event which is emitted when the status of a Replicator changes.
- ReplicatorConfiguration Replication
- Configuration for a Replicator.
- ReplicatorProgress Replication
- Progress of a Replicator.
- ReplicatorStatus Replication
- Combined ReplicatorActivityLevel, ReplicatorProgress and possibly error of a Replicator.
- SessionAuthenticator Replication
An authenticator using a Couchbase Sync Gateway login session identifier,
and optionally a cookie name (pass
for the default.) - SyncReplicator Replication
- A Replicator with a primarily synchronous API.
- TypedConflict Replication Typed Data
- A conflict between changes in a local and remote Document, providing typed representations of the documents.
- TypedConflictResolver Replication Typed Data
- An object which is able to resolve a TypedConflict between the local and remote versions of a replicated document.
- UrlEndpoint Replication
- An endpoint representing a server-based database at the given url.
- DocumentFlag Replication
- Flags describing a replicated Document.
- ReplicatorActivityLevel Replication
- The states a Replicator can be in during its lifecycle.
- ReplicatorType Replication
- Direction of replication: push, pull, or both.
= FutureOr<
Document?> Function(Conflict conflict) Replication - Functional version of ConflictResolver.
= FutureOr<
bool> Function(Document document, Set<DocumentFlag> flags) Replication - A function that decides whether a particular Document should be pushed/pulled.
= FutureOr<
TypedDocumentObject< Function(TypedConflict conflict) Replication Typed DataObject> ?> - Functional version of TypedConflictResolver.
= FutureOr<
bool> Function(TypedDocumentObject<Object> document, Set<DocumentFlag> flags) Replication Typed Data - A function that decides whether a particular typed document should be pushed/pulled.