cbl library


Array Document
Provides readonly access to array data.
ArrayExpression Query Builder
Array expression.
ArrayExpressionIn Query Builder
Represents the IN clause of a range predicate.
ArrayExpressionSatisfies Query Builder
Represents the SATISFIES clause of a range predicate.
ArrayFragment Document
Provides subscript access to Fragment objects by index.
ArrayFunction Query Builder
Factory for creating array function expressions.
ArrayInterface Document
Defines a set of methods for readonly accessing array data.
AsciiCollation Query Builder
ASCII collation compares two string by using binary comparison.
AsyncCollection Database
A Collection with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncDatabase Database
A Database with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncFrom Query Builder
Version of From for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncFromRouter Query Builder
Version of FromRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncGroupBy Query Builder
Version of GroupBy for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncGroupByRouter Query Builder
Version of GroupByRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncHaving Query Builder
Version of Having for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncHavingRouter Query Builder
Version of HavingRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncIndexUpdater Query Enterprise Edition
A IndexUpdater with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncJoinRouter Query Builder
Version of JoinRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncJoins Query Builder
Version of Joins for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncLimit Query Builder
Version of Limit for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncLimitRouter Query Builder
Version of LimitRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
A single subscription Stream which does asynchronous work before being fully subscribed to.
AsyncOrderBy Query Builder
Version of OrderBy for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncOrderByRouter Query Builder
Version of OrderByRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncQuery Query
A Query query with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncQueryBuilder Query Builder
The QueryBuilder for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncQueryIndex Query
A QueryIndex with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncReplicator Replication
A Replicator with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncResultSet Query
A ResultSet which can be iterated asynchronously.
AsyncSaveTypedDocument<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedMutableDocumentObject<TypedDocumentObject<Object>, TypedDocumentObject<Object>>> Database Typed Data
The result of AsyncCollection.saveTypedDocument, which needs to be used to actually save the document.
AsyncScope Database
A Scope with a primarily asynchronous API.
AsyncSelect Query Builder
Version of Select for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncWhere Query Builder
Version of Where for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncWhereRouter Query Builder
Version of WhereRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
Authenticator Replication
The authentication credentials for a remote server.
BasicAuthenticator Replication
An authenticator for HTTP Basic (username/password) auth.
Blob Document
A Blob contains arbitrary binary data, tagged with a MIME type.
ChannelCallOp Tracing
A call over a communication channel.
A Resource which can be explicitly closed.
CloseDatabaseOp Tracing
Operation that closes a Database.
Collation Query Builder
Factory for creating collations.
CollationInterface Query Builder
Collation defines how strings are compared and is used when creating a COLLATE expression.
A container for Documents.
CollectionChange Database
A Collection change event.
The replication configuration for a Collection.
CollectionOperationOp Tracing
Operation that involves a Collection.
Conflict Replication
A conflict between changes in a local and remote Document.
ConflictResolver Replication
An object which is able to resolve a Conflict between the local and remote versions of a replicated Document.
ConsoleLogger Logging
Logger for writing log messages to the system console.
Initializes global resources and configures global settings, such as logging.
Database Database
A Couchbase Lite database.
DatabaseChange Database
A Database change event.
DatabaseConfiguration Database
Configuration for opening or copying a Database.
DatabaseEndpoint Replication Enterprise Edition
An endpoint representing a local Database as the replication target.
DatabaseOperationOp Tracing
Operation that involves a Database.
DataSource Query Builder
Factory for creating data sources.
DataSourceAs Query Builder
A Query data source, with the ability to assign it an alias.
DataSourceInterface Query Builder
A Query data source.
DeleteDocumentOp Tracing
Operation that deletes a Document from a Collection.
DevToolsTracing Tracing
A tracing delegate that integrates CBL Dart with the Dart DevTools.
Dictionary Document
Provides readonly access to dictionary data.
DictionaryFragment Document
Provides subscript access to Fragment objects by key.
DictionaryInterface Document
Defines a set of methods for readonly accessing Dictionary data.
Document Document
A Couchbase Lite document.
DocumentChange Database
A Document change event.
DocumentFragment Document
Provides access to a Document.
DocumentId Typed Data
Annotation for the property of a typed document that is the document id.
DocumentOperationOp Tracing
Operation that involves a Document.
DocumentReplication Replication
Event which is emitted when Documents have been replicated.
DocumentRevisionId Typed Data
Annotation for the property of a typed document that is the document revision id.
DocumentSequence Typed Data
Annotation for the property of a typed document that is the document sequence.
EncryptionKey Database Enterprise Edition
A key used to encrypt a Database.
Endpoint Replication
The location of a database to replicate with.
EnumIndexConverter<T extends Enum> Typed Data
A ScalarConverter that encodes Enum values by their index.
EnumNameConverter<T extends Enum> Typed Data
A ScalarConverter that encodes Enum values by their name.
ExecuteQueryOp Tracing
Operation that executes a Query.
Expression Query Builder
Factory for creating expressions when building Querys through the QueryBuilder.
ExpressionInterface Query Builder
Represents an expression when building a Query through the QueryBuilder.
FileLogger Logging
Logger for writing log messages to files.
Fragment Document
Provides readonly access to data value.
FragmentInterface Document
Readonly access to the data value wrapped by a Fragment object.
From Query Builder
A query component representing the FROM clause of a Query.
FromRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining FROM clauses.
FullTextFunction Query Builder
Factory for creating full-text search function expressions.
FullTextIndex Query
A full-text search index for full-text search queries with the MATCH operator.
FullTextIndexConfiguration Query
A specification of a full text Index from a list of SQL++ expressions.
FullTextIndexItem Query
An item in a FullTextIndexItem.
Function_ Query Builder
Factory for creating function expressions.
GetDocumentOp Tracing
Operation that loads a Document from a Collection.
GroupBy Query Builder
A query component representing the GROUP BY clause of a Query.
GroupByRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining GROUP BY clauses.
Having Query Builder
A query component representing the HAVING clause of a Query.
HavingRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining HAVING clauses.
Index Query
A description of a Database index. Indexes improve Query performance.
IndexBuilder Query
Factor to create query indexes.
IndexConfiguration Query
A specification of an Index from a list of SQL++ expressions.
IndexUpdater Query Enterprise Edition
Class for updating a lazy index.
InitializeOp Tracing
Operation that initializes CBL Dart.
Join Query Builder
Factory for creating JOIN clauses.
JoinInterface Query Builder
Represent a JOIN clause in a Query.
JoinOnInterface Query Builder
Represents the ON clause of JOIN clause.
JoinRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining JOIN clauses.
Joins Query Builder
A query component representing the JOIN clauses of a Query.
Configuration for the DynamicLibrarys which provide the Couchbase Lite C API and the Dart support layer.
Configuration of a DynamicLibrary, which can be used to load the DynamicLibrary at a later time.
Limit Query Builder
A query component representing the LIMIT clause of a Query.
LimitRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining LIMIT clauses.
A token which is handed out when adding a listener to an observable object.
Log Logging
Configuration of the ConsoleLogger, FileLogger and a custom Logger.
LogFileConfiguration Logging
The configuration for log files.
Logger Logging
Abstract class that custom loggers have to extended.
LogMessage Logging
A log message.
Meta Query Builder
Factory for creating expressions of metadata properties of a document.
MetaExpressionInterface Query Builder
A document metadata expression.
MutableArray Document
Provides access to array data.
MutableArrayFragment Document
Provides subscript access to MutableFragment objects by index.
MutableArrayInterface Document
Defines a set of methods for getting and setting array data.
MutableDictionary Document
Provides access to dictionary data.
MutableDictionaryFragment Document
Provides subscript access to MutableFragment objects by key.
MutableDictionaryInterface Document
Defines a set of methods for getting and setting dictionary data.
MutableDocument Document
A mutable version of Document.
MutableFragment Document
Provides read and write access to data value.
MutableFragmentInterface Document
Read and write access to the data value wrapped by a Fragment object.
NativeCallOp Tracing
A call to a native function.
OpenDatabaseOp Tracing
Operation that opens a Database.
OrderBy Query Builder
A query component representing the ORDER BY clause of a Query.
OrderByRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining ORDER BY clauses.
Ordering Query Builder
Factory for ordering expressions of the ORDER BY clause of a query.
OrderingInterface Query Builder
Represents on of the expressions in the ORDER BY query clause.
Parameters Query
Query parameters used for setting values to the query parameters defined in the query.
Prediction Query Enterprise Edition
Manager for registering and unregistering PredictiveModels.
PredictionFunction Query Builder Enterprise Edition
A prediction function expression, which represents a call to a PredictiveModel.
PredictiveModel Query Enterprise Edition
Interface for a machine learning model that can be used in a Query.
PrepareDocumentOp Tracing
Operation that prepares a Document to be saved or deleted.
PrepareQueryOp Tracing
Operation that prepares a Query to be used.
PropertyExpressionInterface Query Builder
A property expression.
Query Query
A Database query.
QueryBuilder Query Builder
Entry point for building Querys through the query builder API.
QueryChange<R extends ResultSet> Query
A Query change event.
QueryIndex Query
An existing index in a Collection.
QueryOperationOp Tracing
Operation that involves a Query.
ReplicatedDocument Replication
Information about a Document that has been replicated.
Replicator Replication
A replicator for replicating Documents between a local database and a target database.
ReplicatorChange Replication
Event which is emitted when the status of a Replicator changes.
ReplicatorConfiguration Replication
Configuration for a Replicator.
ReplicatorProgress Replication
Progress of a Replicator.
ReplicatorStatus Replication
Combined ReplicatorActivityLevel, ReplicatorProgress and possibly error of a Replicator.
An object with a limited lifespan.
Result Query
A single row in a ResultSet.
ResultSet Query
A set of Results which is returned when executing a Query.
SaveDocumentOp Tracing
Operation that saves a Document to a Collection.
SaveTypedDocument<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedMutableDocumentObject<TypedDocumentObject<Object>, TypedDocumentObject<Object>>> Database Typed Data
The result of Collection.saveTypedDocument, which needs to be used to actually save the document.
ScalarConverter<T> Typed Data
An object that converts between untyped data and instances of type T, which must have value semantics.
Scope Database
A namespace for Collections.
Select Query Builder
A query component representing the SELECT clause of a Query.
SelectResult Query Builder
Factory for select results.
SelectResultAs Query Builder
Allows the specification of an alias for a select result value.
SelectResultFrom Query Builder
Allows the specification of the data source of a select result value.
SelectResultInterface Query Builder
Represents a single return value of a SELECT statement.
SessionAuthenticator Replication
An authenticator using a Couchbase Sync Gateway login session identifier, and optionally a cookie name (pass null for the default.)
SortOrder Query Builder
Allows the specification of the direction of an ordering expression.
StreamLogger Logging
A Logger which emits the received LogMessages into a stream.
SyncCollection Database
A Collection with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncDatabase Database
A Database with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncFrom Query Builder
Version of From for building SyncQuerys.
SyncFromRouter Query Builder
Version of FromRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncGroupBy Query Builder
Version of GroupBy for building SyncQuerys.
SyncGroupByRouter Query Builder
Version of GroupByRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncHaving Query Builder
Version of Having for building SyncQuerys.
SyncHavingRouter Query Builder
Version of HavingRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncIndexUpdater Query Enterprise Edition
A IndexUpdater with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncJoinRouter Query Builder
Version of JoinRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncJoins Query Builder
Version of Joins for building SyncQuerys.
SyncLimit Query Builder
Version of Limit for building SyncQuerys.
SyncLimitRouter Query Builder
Version of LimitRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncOrderBy Query Builder
Version of OrderBy for building SyncQuerys.
SyncOrderByRouter Query Builder
Version of OrderByRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncQuery Query
A Query with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncQueryBuilder Query Builder
The QueryBuilder for building SyncQuerys.
SyncQueryIndex Query
A QueryIndex with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncReplicator Replication
A Replicator with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncResultSet Query
A ResultSet which can be iterated synchronously as well asynchronously.
SyncSaveTypedDocument<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedMutableDocumentObject<TypedDocumentObject<Object>, TypedDocumentObject<Object>>> Database Typed Data
The result of SyncCollection.saveTypedDocument, which needs to be used to actually save the document.
SyncScope Database
A Scope with a primarily synchronous API.
SyncSelect Query Builder
Version of Select for building SyncQuerys.
SyncWhere Query Builder
Version of Where for building SyncQuerys.
SyncWhereRouter Query Builder
Version of WhereRouter for building SyncQuerys.
TracedOperation Tracing
A traced operation.
TracingDelegate Tracing
A delegate which implements a tracing mechanism for CBL Dart.
TypedConflict Replication Typed Data
A conflict between changes in a local and remote Document, providing typed representations of the documents.
TypedConflictResolver Replication Typed Data
An object which is able to resolve a TypedConflict between the local and remote versions of a replicated document.
TypedDatabase Typed Data
Annotation for classes that are typed databases.
TypedDataList<T extends E, E> Typed Data
A list implementation that is used to represent arrays in typed dictionaries and document.
TypedDictionary Typed Data
Annotation for classes that are typed dictionaries.
TypedDictionaryObject<MD extends Object> Typed Data
The type that is implemented by all typed dictionaries.
TypedDocument Typed Data
Annotation for classes that are typed documents.
TypedDocumentObject<MD extends Object> Typed Data
The type that is implemented by all typed documents.
TypedMutableDictionaryObject<D extends TypedDictionaryObject<Object>, MD extends TypedDictionaryObject<Object>> Typed Data
The type that is implemented by all typed mutable dictionaries.
TypedMutableDocumentObject<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>> Typed Data
The type that is implemented by all typed mutable documents.
TypedProperty Typed Data
Annotation for the property of a typed dictionary or document that is a dictionary or document property.
TypeMatcher Typed Data
Determines whether a given dictionary or document can be instantiated as a specific typed dictionary or document.
UnicodeCollation Query Builder
Unicode Collation that will compare two strings by using the Unicode collation algorithm.
UrlEndpoint Replication
An endpoint representing a server-based database at the given url.
ValueIndex Query
A value index for regular queries.
ValueIndexConfiguration Query
A specification of a value Index from a list of SQL++ expressions.
ValueIndexItem Query
An item in a ValueIndex.
ValueTypeMatcher Typed Data
A TypeMatcher that matches a dictionary or document if it contains a fixed value at a fixed path.
VariableExpressionInterface Query Builder
A variable in an ArrayExpression.
VectorEncoding Query Enterprise Edition
A vector encoding to reduce the size of the vectors index by algorithmic compression.
VectorIndexConfiguration Query Enterprise Edition
A specification of a vector Index from a SQL++ expression.
Where Query Builder
A query component representing the WHERE clause of a Query.
WhereRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining WHERE clauses.


ConcurrencyControl Database
Conflict-handling options when saving or deleting a document.
A specification of the cause of a DatabaseException.
DistanceMetric Query Enterprise Edition
A function used to define how close an input query vector is to other vectors within a vector index.
DocumentFlag Replication
Flags describing a replicated Document.
FullTextLanguage Query
A language which can be used to configure as the primary language for a full text index.
A specification of the cause of a HttpException.
LogDomain Logging
Subsystems that log information.
LogLevel Logging
Levels of log messages. Higher values are more important/severe. Each level includes the lower ones.
MaintenanceType Database
The type of maintenance a database can perform.
A specification of the cause of a NetworkException.
ReplicatorActivityLevel Replication
The states a Replicator can be in during its lifecycle.
ReplicatorType Replication
Direction of replication: push, pull, or both.
ScalarQuantizerType Query Enterprise Edition
Type of a VectorEncoding.scalarQuantizer.
TypedDataErrorCode Typed Data
A specification of the cause of a TypedDataException.
A specification of the cause of a WebSocketException.


combineOperationFilters(List<OperationFilter> filters) OperationFilter Tracing
Returns a new OperationFilter that combines the provided filters through an AND operation.


CollectionChangeListener = void Function(CollectionChange change) Database
Listener which is called when one or more Documents in a Collection have changed.
ConflictResolverFunction = FutureOr<Document?> Function(Conflict conflict) Replication
Functional version of ConflictResolver.
DatabaseChangeListener = void Function(DatabaseChange change) Database
Listener which is called when one or more Documents in a Database have changed.
DocumentChangeListener = void Function(DocumentChange change) Database
Listener which is called when a single Document has changed.
OperationDetailsResolver = Map<String, Object?>? Function(TracedOperation operation) Tracing
A function that resolves detailed tracing information for TracedOperations.
OperationFilter = bool Function(TracedOperation operation) Tracing
A function to filter TracedOperations.
OperationToStringResolver = String Function(TracedOperation operation) Tracing
A function that returns a string representation for TracedOperations.
ReplicationFilter = FutureOr<bool> Function(Document document, Set<DocumentFlag> flags) Replication
A function that decides whether a particular Document should be pushed/pulled.
SaveConflictHandler = FutureOr<bool> Function(MutableDocument documentBeingSaved, Document? conflictingDocument) Database
Custom conflict handler for saving a document.
SyncSaveConflictHandler = bool Function(MutableDocument documentBeingSaved, Document? conflictingDocument) Database
Custom sync conflict handler for saving a document.
TypedConflictResolverFunction = FutureOr<TypedDocumentObject<Object>?> Function(TypedConflict conflict) Replication Typed Data
Functional version of TypedConflictResolver.
TypedReplicationFilter = FutureOr<bool> Function(TypedDocumentObject<Object> document, Set<DocumentFlag> flags) Replication Typed Data
A function that decides whether a particular typed document should be pushed/pulled.
TypedSaveConflictHandler<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedMutableDocumentObject<TypedDocumentObject<Object>, TypedDocumentObject<Object>>> = FutureOr<bool> Function(MD documentBeingSaved, D? conflictingDocument) Database Typed Data
Custom conflict handler for saving a typed document.
TypedSyncSaveConflictHandler<D extends TypedDocumentObject<Object>, MD extends TypedMutableDocumentObject<TypedDocumentObject<Object>, TypedDocumentObject<Object>>> = bool Function(MD documentBeingSaved, D? conflictingDocument) Database Typed Data
Custom sync conflict handler for saving a typed document.

Exceptions / Errors

Base class for custom exceptions in the cbl package.
Exception throw when there is a failure interacting with a Couchbase Lite database.
An exception that is thrown when a Fleece error is detected.
Exception thrown when there is an HTTP error.
Exception thrown when JSON data is invalid.
Exception thrown when there is a failure accessing the network.
An exception that is thrown when a POSIX error code is received during operation.
An exception used to indicate an SQLite operation error.
TypedDataException Typed Data
Exception throw when there is a failure related to typed data.
UnexpectedTypeException Typed Data
Exception thrown by ScalarConverter.fromData when the given value is not of the expected type.
Exception thrown when there is an WebSocket error.