helpers/converter_functions library


boolParse(String? value) bool
This will parse various conceptual representaitons of yes/no into a boolean
colorParse(dynamic value) Color
This will parse either a string or integer representation of a color into an actual Color
colorToString(Color color) String
This will convert a Color to a hex string (more abreviated than the .toString() method.
intelligentCast<T>(dynamic value) → T?
This attempts to intelligently cast any value to the desired type.
unmaskValue(String mask, String maskedValue) String
used to reverse the value from an mask_formatter controller
updateJustDate(DateTime newDate, DateTime originalDateTime) DateTime
Given a DateTime this will replace just the date portion leaving the time unchanged
updateJustTime(TimeOfDay newTime, DateTime originalDateTime) DateTime
Given a DateTime this will replace just the time portion leaving the date unchanged