intelligentCast<T> function
- dynamic value
This attempts to intelligently cast any value to the desired type.
T? intelligentCast<T>(dynamic value) {
// instead of empty string we want to return null
if (value.toString().isEmpty) return null;
// already expected type, return it
if (value is T) return value;
// process bool here, since we need to return false rather than null
if (T.toString() == 'bool') return boolParse(value.toString()) as T;
// if null, dont change it.
if (value == null) return null;
// perform explicit parsing on the value as a string
if (T.toString() == 'double') return double.parse(value.toString()) as T;
if (T.toString() == 'double?') return double.parse(value.toString()) as T;
if (T.toString() == 'int') return int.parse(value.toString()) as T;
if (T.toString() == 'int?') return int.parse(value.toString()) as T;
if (T.toString() == 'Color') return colorParse(value) as T;
throw Exception('Failed to convert $value to $T');