checkBounds static method

bool checkBounds(
  1. Body bi,
  2. Body bj,
  3. AxisIndex axisIndex

Check if the bounds of two bodies overlap, along the given SAP axis.


static bool checkBounds(Body bi,Body bj, AxisIndex axisIndex) {
  late double biPos;
  late double bjPos;

  if (axisIndex == AxisIndex.x) {
    biPos = bi.position.x;
    bjPos = bj.position.x;
  } else if (axisIndex == AxisIndex.y) {
    biPos = bi.position.y;
    bjPos = bj.position.y;
  } else if (axisIndex == AxisIndex.z) {
    biPos = bi.position.z;
    bjPos = bj.position.z;

  final ri = bi.boundingRadius;
  final rj = bj.boundingRadius;
  final boundA2 = biPos + ri;
  final boundB1 = bjPos - rj;

  return boundB1 < boundA2;