This API fades out specified targets and reverts the others.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be faded out.
Flow data to the chart. By this API, you can append new data points to the chart.
If json, rows and columns given, the data will be loaded. If data that has the same target id is given, the chart will be appended. Otherwise, new target will be added. One of these is
required when calling. If json specified, keys is required as well as data.json
If to is given, the lower x edge will move to that point. If not given, the lower x edge will move by the number of given data points.
If length is given, the lower x edge will move by the number of this argument.
If duration is given, the duration of the transition will be specified value. If not given, transition.duration will be used as default.
If done is given, the specified function will be called when flow ends.
This API highlights specified targets and fade out the others.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be highlighted.
This API hides specified targets.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be hidden.
If withLegend is set true, legend will be hidden together with the specified data.
Load data to the chart.
If url, json, rows and columns given, the data will be loaded. If data that has the same target id is given, the chart will be updated. Otherwise, new target will be added.
If classes given, the classes specifed by data.classes will be updated. classes must be Object that has target id as keys.
If categories given, the categories specifed by axis.x.categories or data.x will be updated. categories must be Array.
If axes given, the axes specifed by data.axes will be updated. axes must be Object that has target id as keys.
If colors given, the colors specifed by data.colors will be updated. colors must be Object that has target id as keys.
If type or types given, the type of targets will be updated. type must be String and types must be Object.
If unload given, data will be unloaded before loading new data. If true given, all of data will be unloaded. If target ids given as String or Array, specified targets will be unloaded.
If done given, the specified function will be called after data loded.
NOTE: unload should be used if some data needs to be unloaded simultaneously. If you call unload API soon after/before load instead of unload param, chart will not be rendered properly
because of cancel of animation.
NOTE: done will be called after data loaded, but it's not after rendering. It's because rendering will finish after some transition and there is some time lag between loading and rendering.
This API reverts specified targets.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be reverted.
This API shows specified targets.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be shown.
If withLegend is set true, legend will be shown together with the specified data.
This API toggles (shows or hides) specified targets.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be toggles.
If withLegend is set true, legend will be toggled together with the specified data.
Unload data to the chart.
You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be toggles.
If ids given, the data that has specified target id will be unloaded. ids should be String or Array. If ids is not specified, all data will be unloaded.
If done given, the specified function will be called after data loded.
NOTE: If you call load API soon after/before unload, unload param of load should be used. Otherwise chart will not be rendered properly because of cancel of animation.
NOTE: done will be called after data loaded, but it's not after rendering. It's because rendering will finish after some transition and there is some time lag between loading and rendering.