zoom property

dynamic get zoom


external dynamic
       * Zoom by giving x domain.
       * @param domain If domain is given, the chart will be zoomed to the given domain. If no argument is given, the current zoomed domain will be returned.
      (domain?: number[]): number[];

       * Enable and disable zooming.
       * @param enabled If enabled is true, the feature of zooming will be enabled. If false is given, it will be disabled.
      enable(enabled: boolean): void;
    get zoom;
set zoom (dynamic v)


external set zoom(
       * Zoom by giving x domain.
       * @param domain If domain is given, the chart will be zoomed to the given domain. If no argument is given, the current zoomed domain will be returned.
      (domain?: number[]): number[];

       * Enable and disable zooming.
       * @param enabled If enabled is true, the feature of zooming will be enabled. If false is given, it will be disabled.
      enable(enabled: boolean): void;