unload method

dynamic unload([
  1. TargetIds targetIds,
  2. dynamic done()

Unload data to the chart. You can specify multiple targets by giving an array that includes id as String. If no argument is given, all of targets will be toggles. If ids given, the data that has specified target id will be unloaded. ids should be String or Array. If ids is not specified, all data will be unloaded. If done given, the specified function will be called after data loded. NOTE: If you call load API soon after/before unload, unload param of load should be used. Otherwise chart will not be rendered properly because of cancel of animation. NOTE: done will be called after data loaded, but it's not after rendering. It's because rendering will finish after some transition and there is some time lag between loading and rendering.


external dynamic unload([TargetIds targetIds, dynamic Function() done]);