dispatchAndWait property

DispatchAndWait<St> dispatchAndWait

Dispatches the action, applying its reducer, and possibly changing the store state. The action may be sync or async. In both cases, it returns a Future that resolves when the action finishes.

await dispatchAndWait(new DoThisFirstAction());
dispatch(new DoThisSecondAction());

Note: While the state change from the action's reducer will have been applied when the Future resolves, other independent processes that the action may have started may still be in progress.

Method dispatchAndWait is of type DispatchAndWait. It returns Future<ActionStatus>, which means you can also get the final status of the action after you await it:

var status = await dispatchAndWait(new MyAction());

See also:

  • dispatch which dispatches both sync and async actions.
  • dispatchSync which dispatches sync actions, and throws if the action is async.


DispatchAndWait<St> get dispatchAndWait => _store.dispatchAndWait;