UIComponent class abstract

Base class to create Bones_UI components.

Available Extensions


UIComponent(Object? parent, {dynamic componentClass, dynamic componentStyle, dynamic classes, dynamic classes2, dynamic style, dynamic style2, UIComponentClearParent? clearParent, bool inline = true, bool construct = true, bool renderOnConstruction = false, bool preserveRender = false, dynamic id, UIComponentGenerator<UIComponent>? generator})


clearParent UIComponentClearParent?
componentInternals → UIComponentInternals
no setter
constructing bool?
no setter
content → UIElement?
no setter
dataSource DataSource?
no setter
dataSourceCall DataSourceCall?
getter/setter pair
dataSourceCallString String
no setter
globalID int
hasDataSource bool
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
isInDOM bool
no setter
isLoadingUIAsyncContent bool
no setter
isRefreshFromExternalCall bool
no setter
isRendered bool
no setter
isRenderedWithError bool
Returns true if current/last render had errors.
no setter
isRendering bool
no setter
isShowing bool
no setter
localeChangedFromLastRender bool
no setter
onChange EventStream
getter/setter pair
onRender EventStream<UIComponent>
parent → UIElement?
no setter
parentUIComponent UIComponent?
The parent UIComponent.
no setter
preserveRender bool
If true will preserve last render in next calls to render.
getter/setter pair
preserveRenderCount int
no setter
refreshOnNavigate bool
getter/setter pair
renderCount int
no setter
renderedElements List?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subUIComponents List<UIComponent>
Returns a List of sub UIComponent.
no setter
subUIComponentsDeeply List<UIComponent>
Returns a List of sub UIComponent deeply in the tree.
no setter
uiRoot UIRoot?
Returns the UIRoot that is parent of this UIComponent instance, or null if it's not in an UIRoot components tree.
no setter


action(String action) → void
addTo(UIElement parent, {UIComponent? parentUIComponent}) → void
appendAttribute(String? name, dynamic value) bool
appendAttributes(Iterable<DOMAttribute> attributes) bool
appendClasses(dynamic classes1, [dynamic classes2]) → void
appendStyle(dynamic style1, [dynamic style2, dynamic style3]) → void
appendToContent(List<UINode> nodes) bool
applyData(dynamic data) bool
callRender([bool clear = false]) → void
callRenderAndWait({Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3)}) Future<bool>
callRenderAsync() → void
clear({bool force = false, bool removeFromParent = false}) → void
Clears the component, removing the last rendered content.
clearAttribute(String? name) bool
clearContent() bool
clearPreservedRender() → void
Clears previous rendered elements. Only relevant if preserveRender is true.
click() → void
Calls: content.click
clone() UIComponent?
configure() → void
Called by constructor, to configure this component.
configureClasses(dynamic classes1, [dynamic classes2, dynamic componentClasses]) → void
configureID() → void
configureStyle(dynamic style1, [dynamic style2, dynamic componentStyle]) → void
connectDataSource() → void
createContentElement(bool inline) → UIElement
delete() → void
deniedAccessRoute() String?
deviceSizeChangedFromLastRender({double tolerance = 0.10, bool onlyWidth = false, bool onlyHeight = false}) bool
ensureRendered([bool force = false]) → void
findChildDeep(FilterElement filter) List<UIElement>
findChildrenDeep(String fieldName) MapEntry<String, Object>?
findInContentChildDeep(FilterElement filter) → UIElement?
findUIComponentByChild(UIElement? child) UIComponent?
findUIComponentByContent(UIElement? content) UIComponent?
findUIComponentByID(String id) UIComponent?
fireEvent(String type, dynamic event, [List? params]) → void
focusField(String? fieldName) bool
forEachEmptyFieldComponent(ForEachComponent f) int
forEachEmptyFieldElement(ForEachElement f) int
forEachFieldComponent(ForEachComponent f) int
forEachFieldElement(ForEachElement f) int
getAllRenderedElements(FilterRendered filter, [bool deep = false]) List?
getAttribute(String? name) → dynamic
getComponentFieldName(Object obj) String?
getContentChildren({FilterElement? filter, bool deep = true}) List<UIElement>
getElementFieldName(UIElement element) String?
getEmptyFields() List<String>
getField(String? fieldName, [String? def]) String?
getFieldAs<T>(String? fieldName, [T? def]) → T?
getFieldComponent(String? fieldName) Object?
getFieldElement<E extends UIElement>(String? fieldName) → E?
getFieldElementByValue(String? fieldName, String value) → UIElement?
getFieldElements(String? fieldName) List<UIElement>
getFieldExtended<V>(String? fieldName, [V? def]) → V?
getFields({List<String>? fields, List<String>? ignoreFields}) Map<String, String?>
getFieldsComponents() List<Object>
getFieldsComponentsMap({List<String>? fields, List<String>? ignoreFields}) Map<String, Object>
getFieldsElements() List<UIElement>
getFieldsElementsMap({List<String>? fields, List<String>? ignoreFields}) Map<String, UIElement>
getFieldsExtended({List<String>? fields, List<String>? ignoreFields}) Map<String, Object?>
getFieldsGroupByPrefix<K, V>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?, V? valueAs(String key)?, bool filter(K key, V? value)?}) Map<K, V?>
getFieldsGroupCheckedKeys<K>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?}) List<K>
getFieldsGroupChecks<K>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?, bool filter(K key, bool? value)?}) Map<K, bool>
getFieldsGroupEntriesByPrefix<K, V>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?, V? valueAs(String key)?, bool filter(K key, V? value)?}) List<MapEntry<K, V?>>
getFieldsGroupKeysByPrefix<K>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?, bool filter(K key, Object? value)?}) List<K>
getFieldsGroupListByPrefix<K, V>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, K keyAs(String key)?, V? valueAs(String key)?, bool filter(K key, V? value)?}) Map<K, List<V>>
getFieldsGroupValuesByPrefix<V>(String groupPrefix, {Map<String, String?>? fields, String keyDelimiter = '_', String keyPart(String key)?, V? valueAs(String key)?, bool filter(Object key, V? value)?}) List<V>
getFieldsNames() List<String>
getPreviousRenderedFieldValue(String? fieldName) → dynamic
getRenderedElement(FilterRendered filter, [bool? deep]) → dynamic
getRenderedElementById(dynamic id, [bool deep = false]) → dynamic
getRenderedElementValueById(dynamic id, [bool deep = false]) → dynamic
getRenderedUIComponentById<T extends UIComponent>(dynamic id, [bool? deep]) → T?
getRenderedUIComponentByType<T>([bool? deep]) List<T>
getRenderedUIComponents([bool? deep]) List<UIComponent>
getRenderedUIComponentsByIds<T extends UIComponent>(List ids, [bool? deep]) List<UIComponent>
hasEmptyField() bool
hide() → void
Hide component.
insertTo(int index, UIElement parent, {UIComponent? parentUIComponent}) → void
isAccessible() bool
isEmptyField(String? fieldName) bool
markRenderedWithError() → void
Marks current/last render with error.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onChildRendered(UIComponent child) → void
onPreConstruct() → void
Called in the beginning of constructor.
parseChildElementValue(UIElement? childElement, {UIComponent? childUiComponent, bool allowTextAsValue = true}) String?
posAsyncRender() → void
posRender() → void
Called after render.
preRender() → void
Called before render.
preRenderClear() → void
querySelector<E extends UIElement>(String? selectors) → E?
Alias to content.querySelector.
querySelectorAll<T extends UIElement>(String? selectors) List<T>
Alias to content.querySelectorAll.
refresh({bool forceRender = false}) → void
Refreshes the component, calling render.
refreshDataSource() → void
refreshIfLocaleChanged() → void
refreshInternal() → void
registerEventListener(String type, UIEventListener listener) → void
registerInUIRoot() → void
Called by constructor to register this component in the UIRoot tree.
render() → dynamic
Renders the elements of this component.
renderError(dynamic error) → dynamic
Called when render returns a Future value, to render the content when Future has an error.
renderLoading() → dynamic
Called when render returns a Future value, to render the content while loading Future.
requestRefresh() → void
Requests a refresh using Future.microtask.
resolveTextIntl(String text) String
Resolves text {{intl:key}} messages.
selectElement<E extends UIElement>(String? selectors) → E?
Alias to content.querySelector.
selectElements<T extends UIElement>(String? selectors) List<T>
Alias to content.querySelectorAll.
setAttribute(String? name, dynamic value) bool
setAttributes(Iterable<DOMAttribute> attributes) bool
setContentNodes(List<UINode> nodes) bool
setData(dynamic data) bool
setField(String fieldName, dynamic value) → void
setID(Object? id) → void
setParent(UIElement parent, {UIComponent? parentUIComponent}) → UIElement?
Sets the parent UIElement.
show() → void
Show component.
toContentElements(dynamic rendered, {bool append = false, bool parseAttributes = true}) List
toRenderableList(Object? list, [DOMContext<UINode>? domContext]) List?
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateRenderedFieldElementValue(UIElement fieldElem) → void
updateRenderedFieldValue(String fieldName) → void
waiteRender({Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3)}) Future<bool>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

domContext DOMContext<UINode>
The DOMContext of the domGenerator.
no setter
domGenerator UIDOMGenerator
The UIDOMGenerator used by Bones_UI.
isAnyComponentRendering bool
no setter

Static Methods

copyRenderable(dynamic element, [dynamic def]) → dynamic
getContentUIComponent(UIElement content) UIComponent?
isRenderable(dynamic element) bool
parseAttributeValueAsString(dynamic value, [String? delimiter, Pattern? delimiterPattern]) String
parseAttributeValueAsStringList(dynamic value, [Pattern? delimiter]) List<String>?
parseClasses(dynamic classes1, [dynamic classes2]) List<String>
parseStyle(dynamic style1) List<String>
registerGenerator(UIComponentGenerator<UIComponent> generator) bool
Register a generator for a type of UIComponent.
resolveParentUIComponent({UINode? parent, UINode? element, UIComponent? parentUIComponent, UIComponent? elementUIComponent, bool recursive = false}) → void