APIResponse<T> class

Represents an API response.

Mixed-in types


APIResponse(APIResponseStatus status, {Map<String, dynamic>? headers, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Object? payloadMimeType, Etag? payloadETag, CacheControl? cacheControl, String? payloadFileExtension, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, dynamic error, StackTrace? stackTrace, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Constructs an APIResponse.
APIResponse.badRequest({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status BAD_REQUEST.
APIResponse.error({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, dynamic error, StackTrace? stackTrace, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates an error response.
APIResponse.from(dynamic o)
Creates a response based into o value.
APIResponse.notFound({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Object? mimeType, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status NOT_FOUND.
APIResponse.notModified({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Object? mimeType, Etag? eTag, CacheControl? cacheControl, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status NOT_FOUND.
APIResponse.ok(T? payload, {Object? payloadDynamic, Etag? payloadETag, CacheControl? cacheControl, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, String? fileExtension, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status OK.
APIResponse.redirect(Uri location, {Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status REDIRECT.
APIResponse.redirecy(Uri location, {Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
APIResponse.unauthorized({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics})
Creates a response of status UNAUTHORIZED.


apiRequest APIRequest?
Returns the APIRequest of this response.
no setter
authenticationRealm String?
The real of the required Authentication.
no setter
authenticationType String?
The type of the required Authentication.
no setter
cacheControl CacheControl?
The response CacheControl.
getter/setter pair
error → dynamic
The response error.
hasCORS bool
Returns true if this response has CORS (Cross-origin Resource Sharing) headers set.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasMetrics bool
Returns true if any metric is set. See metrics.
no setterinherited
hasPayload bool
Returns true if payload is not null.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, dynamic>
The response headers.
isBadRequest bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST.
no setter
isError bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.ERROR.
no setter
isNotFound bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND.
no setter
isNotModified bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.NOT_MODIFIED.
no setter
isNotOK bool
Alias to ![isNotOK].
no setter
isNotValid bool
Alias to ![isValid].
no setter
isOK bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.OK.
no setter
isUnauthorized bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.
no setter
isValid bool
Returns true if status is a APIResponseStatus.OK or a APIResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND.
no setter
keepAliveMaxRequests int
The Keep-Alive maximum number of requests. Default: 1000
getter/setter pair
keepAliveTimeout Duration
The Keep-Alive timeout. Default: 10s
getter/setter pair
metrics Map<String, APIMetric>
Returns the current metrics.
no setterinherited
payload → T?
The response payload/body/
payloadETag Etag?
The Etag of the payload.
getter/setter pair
payloadFileExtension String?
The payload usual file name extension.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
payloadLength int
Returns the payload length.
no setterinherited
payloadMimeType MimeType?
The payload/body MIME Type.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
requiresAuthentication bool
If true this response should require Authentication. See authenticationType and authenticationRealm.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stackTrace StackTrace?
status APIResponseStatus
The response status.


asBadRequest({T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to an BAD_REQUEST response.
asError({Map<String, dynamic>? headers, dynamic error, StackTrace? stackTrace, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to an ERROR response.
asNotFound({T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to a NOT_FOUND response.
asNotModified({T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Etag? eTag, CacheControl? cacheControl, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to a NOT_MODIFIED response.
asOk({T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, String? fileExtension, Etag? eTag, CacheControl? cacheControl, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to an OK response.
asRedirect({Uri? location, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to an REDIRECT response.
asRedirecy({Uri? location, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
asUnauthorized({T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Transform this response to an UNAUTHORIZED response.
cast<E>({E? payload}) APIResponse<E>
Copy this response casting the payload to E.
copy({APIResponseStatus? status, T? payload, Object? payloadDynamic, bool nullPayload = false, Etag? payloadETag, String? payloadFileExtension, CacheControl? cacheControl, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Object? mimeType, Duration? keepAliveTimeout, int? keepAliveMaxRequests, Object? error, StackTrace? stackTrace, Map<String, APIMetric>? metrics}) APIResponse<T>
Copy this response.
dispose() → void
disposeAsync() Future<void>
Asynchronous call to dispose.
getHeader(String headerKey, {String? def}) String?
getMetric(String name) APIMetric?
Returns a metric.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
payloadAs<E>() → E
Returns payload cast to E.
requireAuthentication({bool require = true, String type = 'Basic', String realm = 'API'}) → void
Defines that this response requires authentication.
setCORS(APIRequest request, {bool allowCredentials = true, List<String>? allowMethods, List<String>? allowHeaders, List<String>? exposeHeaders}) → void
Sets the CORS (Cross-origin Resource Sharing) headers of this response.
setMetric(String name, {Duration? duration, String? description, int? n}) APIMetric
Set a metric.
startMetric(String name, {String? description}) DateTime
Starts a metric chronometer.
stopAllMetrics({DateTime? now}) → void
stopMetric(String name, {DateTime? now}) Duration?
Stops a metric previously started and adds it to metrics. See startMetric.
toInfos() String
Response infos.
toString() String
Returns the payload or the status as String.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

exposeHeaders String
headerXAccessToken String
headerXAccessTokenExpiration String
typeInfo TypeInfo