TypeInfo<T> class

Represents a Type and its arguments.

Available extensions


TypeInfo(Type type, [Iterable<Object>? arguments])
TypeInfo.from(Object o, [Iterable<Object>? arguments, Object? object])
TypeInfo.fromIterableType(Object itrType)
TypeInfo.fromListType(Object listType)
TypeInfo.fromMapType(Object keyType, Object valueType)
TypeInfo.fromObject(T o, [Iterable<Object>? arguments, Object? object])
TypeInfo.fromSetType(Object setType)
TypeInfo.fromType(Type type, [Iterable<Object>? arguments, Object? object])


arguments List<TypeInfo>
no setter
arguments0 TypeInfo?
The argument at index 0 (in arguments).
no setter
arguments1 TypeInfo?
The argument at index 1 (in arguments).
no setter
argumentsLength int
The arguments length.
no setter
asTypeReflection TypeReflection
Returns this instance as TypeReflection.
no setter
genericType Type
The generic T Type.
no setter
hasArguments bool
Returns true if type has arguments.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isAnyType bool
Returns true if type is Object or dynamic.
no setter
isBasicType bool
Returns true if type isPrimitiveType or isCollection.
no setter
isBigInt bool
Returns true if type is BigInt.
no setter
isBool bool
Returns true if type is bool.
no setter
isCollection bool
Returns true if type is a collection (List, Iterable, Map or Set).
no setter
isDateTime bool
Returns true if type is DateTime.
no setter
isDouble bool
Returns true if type is double.
no setter
isDuration bool
Returns true if type is Duration.
no setter
isDynamic bool
Returns true if type is dynamic.
no setter
isDynamicOrObject bool
Returns true if type is dynamic or Object.
no setter
isEntityType bool
Returns true if type can be an entity (![isDynamicOrObject] && ![isBasicType]).
no setter
isFuture bool
Returns true if type is a Future.
no setter
isFutureOr bool
Returns true if type is a FutureOr.
no setter
isInt bool
Returns true if type is int.
no setter
isIterable bool
Returns true if type is a Iterable.
no setter
isList bool
Returns true if type is a List.
no setter
isListEntity bool
Returns true if type is a List of entities.
no setter
isMap bool
Returns true if type is a Map.
no setter
isMapEntry bool
Returns true if type is a MapEntry.
no setter
isNum bool
Returns true if type is num.
no setter
isNumber bool
Returns true if type is int, double or num.
no setter
isObject bool
Returns true if type is Object.
no setter
isPrimitiveOrDynamicOrObjectType bool
Returns true if type isPrimitiveType or isDynamicOrObject.
no setter
isPrimitiveType bool
Returns true if type is primitive (bool, int, double, num or String).
no setter
isSet bool
Returns true if type is a Set.
no setter
isString bool
Returns true if type is String.
no setter
isUInt8List bool
Returns true if type is Uint8List.
no setter
isValidGenericType bool
Returns true if genericType matches type.
no setter
isVoid bool
Returns true if type is void.
no setter
listEntityType TypeInfo?
The TypeInfo of the List elements type.
no setter
parser TypeElementParser<T>?
Returns the type parser.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type Type
The main Type.
no setter
typeName String
Returns the type name.
no setter


argumentParser(int index) TypeElementParser?
Returns the parser of the argument at index.
argumentType(int index) TypeInfo?
Returns the TypeInfo of the argument at index.
callCasted<R>(R f<T>()) → R
Calls f casting T.
callCastedArgumentA<R, A>(R f<A>()) → R
Calls f casting A as arguments0 T.
callCastedArgumentsAB<R, A, B>(R f<A, B>()) → R
Calls f casting A as arguments0 T and B as arguments1 T.
castCollection(Object o, {bool nullable = false}) Object
Casts o to this collection type if a ClassReflection or EnumReflection for it is registered at ReflectionFactory.
castIterable(Iterable itr, {bool nullable = false}) Iterable
Casts itr to this type (Iterable<T>) if a ClassReflection or EnumReflection for T is registered at ReflectionFactory.
castList(List list, {bool nullable = false}) List
Casts list to this type (List<T>) if a ClassReflection or EnumReflection for T is registered at ReflectionFactory.
castMap(Map map, {bool nullable = false}) Map
Casts map to this type (Map<K,V>), resolving the casting for K and V if there's a ClassReflection or EnumReflection for them registered at ReflectionFactory.
castSet(Set set, {bool nullable = false}) Set
Casts set to this type (Set<T>) if a ClassReflection or EnumReflection for T is registered at ReflectionFactory.
equalsArgumentsTypes(List<Object> types) bool
Returns true if arguments have equals types.
equalsType(TypeInfo? other) bool
Returns true if this.type equals to other.type.
equalsTypeAndArguments(TypeInfo other) bool
Returns true if equalsType and equalsArgumentsTypes are true.
equivalentArgumentsTypes(List<Object> types) bool
Returns true if arguments have equivalent types.
fromJson(dynamic json, {JsonDecoder? jsonDecoder, bool duplicatedEntitiesAsID = true, bool? autoResetEntityCache}) Object?
isCastedIterable(Object? o) bool
Returns true if o is a Iterable<E> where E is arguments0 T.
isCastedList(Object? o) bool
Returns true if o is a List<E> where E is arguments0 T.
isCastedMap(Object? o) bool
Returns true if o is a Map<K,V> where K is arguments0 T and V is arguments1 T.
isCastedSet(Object? o) bool
Returns true if o is a Set<E> where E is arguments0 T.
isEquivalent(TypeInfo other) bool
Checks for equivalence, if the instances are similar:
isOf(Type type, [List<Object>? arguments]) bool
Returns true if this instances has the same type and arguments.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
parse<V>(Object? value, [V? def]) → V?
Parse value or return def.
parseTraversingFuture<V>(Object? value, [V? def]) → V?
Same as parse but if this isFuture it will traverse to the Future argument.
toIterableType() TypeInfo<Iterable<T>>
Returns this as a TypeInfo for Iterable<T>.
toListType() TypeInfo<List<T>>
Returns this as a TypeInfo for List<T>.
toMapKeyType<V>({TypeInfo? valueType}) TypeInfo<Map<T, V>>
Returns this as a TypeInfo for Map<K,T>.
toMapValueType<K>({TypeInfo? keyType}) TypeInfo<Map<K, T>>
Returns this as a TypeInfo for Map<K,T>.
toSetType() TypeInfo<Set<T>>
Returns this as a TypeInfo for Set<T>.
toString({bool withT = true}) String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
Checks for equality, other should be exactly the same.

Static Properties

tVoid TypeInfo<void>

Static Methods

accepts<T>(Type type) bool
Returns true if T accepts a value of type.
equalsTypeInfoList(List<TypeInfo> a, List<TypeInfo> b) bool
Returns true if List of TypeInfo a is equals to b.
equalsTypeList(List<Type> a, List<Type> b) bool
Returns true if List of Type a is equals to b.
equivalentTypeInfoList(List<TypeInfo> a, List<TypeInfo> b) bool
Returns true if List of TypeInfo a is equivalent to b.
equivalentTypeList(List<Type> a, List<Type> b) bool
Returns true if List of Type a is equivalent to b.
isPrimitiveTypeFor(Type type) bool
removeTypeGenerics(String type) String
Removes generics from the type or record type string.
toList(Iterable<Object> list, {bool growable = false}) List<TypeInfo>
Converts list to a List of TypeInfo.


tBigInt → const TypeInfo<BigInt>
tBool → const TypeInfo<bool>
tDateTime → const TypeInfo<DateTime>
tDouble → const TypeInfo<double>
tDuration → const TypeInfo<Duration>
tDynamic → const TypeInfo
tFuture → const TypeInfo<Future>
tFutureOr → const TypeInfo<FutureOr>
tInt → const TypeInfo<int>
tIterable → const TypeInfo<Iterable>
tList → const TypeInfo<List>
tMap → const TypeInfo<Map>
tMapEntry → const TypeInfo<Map>
tNum → const TypeInfo<num>
tObject → const TypeInfo<Object>
tSet → const TypeInfo<Set>
tString → const TypeInfo<String>
tUint8List → const TypeInfo<Uint8List>