SchnorrkelSecretKey class

The SchnorrkelSecretKey class represents a Schnorrkel secret key used for cryptographic operations.

A Schnorrkel secret key consists of two components: a secret key and a nonce.


  • _key: A List<int> containing the secret key component.
  • _nonce: A List<int> containing the nonce component.

This class provides a constructor for creating Schnorrkel secret keys, validating the input components, and ensuring the canonical form of the key.


SchnorrkelSecretKey(List<int> key, List<int> nonce)
Creates a SchnorrkelSecretKey instance from provided secret key and nonce components.
SchnorrkelSecretKey.fromBytes(List<int> secretKeyBytes)
Creates a SchnorrkelSecretKey instance from a byte representation of a secret key.
SchnorrkelSecretKey.fromEd25519(List<int> secretKeyBytes)
Creates a SchnorrkelSecretKey instance from a byte representation of an Ed25519 secret key.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


dleqProve(VRFInOut out, {bool kusamaVRF = true, GenerateRandom? nonceGenerator}) VRFProof
Generates a Discrete Logarithm Equality Proof (DLEQ) for a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) output.
hardDerive(List<int> chainCode, {List<int>? message, ExpansionMode mode = ExpansionMode.ed25519}) Tuple<SchnorrkelSecretKey, List<int>>
Derives a new Schnorrkel secret key and chain code from the current secret key, chain code, and an optional message.
key() List<int>
The key method returns the secret key component of the Schnorrkel secret key.
nonce() List<int>
The nonce method returns the nonce component of the Schnorrkel secret key.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
publicKey() SchnorrkelPublicKey
The publicKey method derives the corresponding public key from the Schnorrkel secret key.
sign(MerlinTranscript signingContextScript, {GenerateRandom? nonceGenerator}) SchnorrkelSignature
Signs a message using the Schnorrkel secret key and a specified signing context script.
softDerive(List<int> chainCode, {List<int>? message, GenerateRandom? nonceGenerator}) Tuple<SchnorrkelSecretKey, List<int>>
Derives a new Schnorrkel secret key and chain code from the current secret key, chain code, and an optional message.
toBytes() List<int>
The toBytes method converts the Schnorrkel secret key into a byte representation.
toEd25519Bytes() List<int>
The toEd25519Bytes method converts the Schnorrkel secret key into a byte representation following the Ed25519 format, suitable for use in Ed25519 operations.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
vrfSign(MerlinTranscript script, {GenerateRandom? nonceGenerator, bool kusamaVRF = true}) Tuple<VRFInOut, VRFProof>
Generates a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) output and its proof for a given transcript.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.