BuildContextX extension

Useful methods for build contexts.



announce(String message, {TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr}) → void

Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextX extension

Announce something to screen readers.
confirm({String title = 'Confirm', String message = 'Are you sure?', VoidCallback? yesCallback, VoidCallback? noCallback, String yesLabel = 'Yes', String noLabel = 'No'}) Future<void>

Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextX extension

Confirm something.
getLoadedData<T>() → T

Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextX extension

Get the loaded data from a DataScope.
pushWidgetBuilder(WidgetBuilder builder) Future<void>

Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextX extension

Push a widget builder.
showMessage({required String message, String title = 'Error', String buttonLabel = 'OK'}) Future<void>

Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextX extension

Show a message with an OK button.