auto_route library
- ActiveGuardObserver
- Observers the current guards processing navigation event
- AdaptiveRoute
- Builds an AutoRoute instance with RouteType.adaptive type
- AdaptiveRouteType
- Generates a route transitions based on platform
- AutoLeadingButton
- An AutoRoute replacement of appBar aut-leading-button
- AutoPageView
Most of the code here is taking from flutter's
- AutoPageViewState
- State implementation of AutoPageView
- AutoRedirectGuard
- An Implementation of AutoRedirectGuardBase
- AutoRedirectGuardBase
- An abstraction for auto-redirect route guards
- AutoRoute
A route entry configuration used in
to create RouteMatch's from paths and PageRouteInfo's - AutoRouteAware
- An interface used to mark classes as AutoRouteAware entities usually implemented by widget States
- AutoRouteGuard
- A middleware for stacked routes where clients can either resume or abort the navigation event
- AutoRouteGuardCallback
- A simple implementation of AutoRouteGuard that calls the provided OnNavigation function
- AutoRouteInformation
- An extended type of RouteInformation that holds an extra property replace which forces the current route to be replaced
- AutoRouteInformationProvider
- The route information provider that propagates the platform route information changes.
- An AutoRoute Wrapper for Navigator it handles empty stacks and declarative routes
- State of AutoRouteNavigator
- AutoRouteObserver
- A Navigator observer that notifies AutoRouteAwares of changes to the state of their Route.
T> -
Creates a RoutePage based on
, The decision happens inside of onCreateRoute - AutoRouter
- A Wrapper for Navigator that handles stack-routing
- AutoRouterConfig
- Classes annotated with AutoRouteConfig will generate an abstract class that extends RootStackRouter that can be extended by the annotated class to be used as the RootRouter of the App
- AutoRouterDelegate
- An auto_route implementation for RouterDelegate
- AutoRouterObserver
- An extended version of NavigatorObserver to support Tab-int and tab-change events observation
- AutoRouterState
- State implementation of AutoRouter
- AutoRouteWrapper
- clients will implement this class to provide a wrapped route.
- AutoTabsRouter
- An implementation of a router widget that handles parallel routeing
- AutoTabsRouterState
- The state implementation of AutoTabsRouter
- AutoTabsScaffold
- A scaffold wrapper widget that makes creating an AutoTabsRouter much easier and cleaner
- CupertinoRoute
- Builds an AutoRoute instance with RouteType.cupertino type
- CupertinoRouteType
- Generates a route that uses CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin
- CustomRoute
- Builds an AutoRoute instance with RouteType.custom type
- CustomRouteType
- Generates a route with user-defined transitions
- DeepLink
- Holds deep-link information
- DefaultRouteParser
- AutoRoute extension of RouteInformationParser
- DeferredLoadingPlaceholder
- Displays a progress indicator when the widget is a deferred component and is currently being installed.
- DeferredWidget
- Wraps the child inside a deferred module loader.
- HierarchySegment
- An abstract representation of a RouteMatch
- KeepAliveTab
- A Wrapper widget to utilize AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin
- MaterialRoute
- Builds an AutoRoute instance with RouteType.material type
- MaterialRouteType
- Generates a route that uses MaterialRouteTransitionMixin
- An abstract parent type for all navigation failures
- Represents a guarded navigation event which can be either continued or aborted used in AutoRouteGuard.onNavigation
- NestedStackRouter
- An Implementation of StackRouter used by nested AutoRouter widgets
- NoShadowCupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder
- A custom cupertino transition builder to fix unwanted shadows in nested navigator
Args> - Holds information of the generated RoutePage page
T> - Holds information of a named destination
- Parameters
- This class helps read typed data from raw maps, it's used for both path-parameters and query-parameters
- PathParam
- this annotation is used to make parameters that's supposed to take their values from the dynamic segments of a path
- PendingRoutesHandler
- Holds a one-time read initial routes value used by declarative routing widgets
- PlatformDeepLink
- Holds information of the deep-link coming from the platform window
- QueryParam
- this annotation is used to make parameters that's supposed to take their values from query params of the url
- RedirectRoute
- Builds a Redirect AutoRoute instance with no type
- ReevaluationStrategy
- An abstraction of the strategy used by AutoRedirectGuardBase to decide the after evaluation action
- RejectedByGuardFailure
- A failure indicates that the one of the guards has aborted the navigation on this route by calling with false value
- RootStackRouter
- An Implementation of StackRouter used by AutoRouterDelegate
- RouteCollection
- Holds a single set of config-entries
- RouteData
- Holds final information of presented routes That's consumed by AutoRoutePage
- RouteDataScope
- Injects the given routeData to context so it can be looked up by any child widget
T> -
This is the result returned by
when a match is found - RouteNotFoundFailure
A failure indicates that the request route or path
has not been found by the
T> - This annotation is used to mark flutter widgets as routable pages by enabling the router to construct them.
- RouterScope
- Injects the given RoutingController to context so it can be looked up by any child widget
- RouteType
- An abstraction of route types used by AutoRoutePage.onCreateRoute to decide transition animations
- RoutingController
- An Abstraction for an object that manages page navigation
- StackRouter
- An implementation of a RoutingController that handles stack navigation
- StackRouterScope
- Injects the given StackRouter to context so it can be looked up by any child widget
- TabPageRoute
- Holds information of Tab-init and Tab-changed events used in AutoRouteAware and AutoRouterObserver
- TabsRouter
- An implementation of a RoutingController that handles parallel routeing
- TabsRouterScope
- Injects the given TabsRouter to context so it can be looked up by any child widget
- TestRoute
- Builds a simplified AutoRoute instance for test
- TransitionsBuilders
- a class that holds presets of common route transition builder
- UrlState
- UrlState Holds current url state in a more structured way it's used by Router as configuration state
T extends AutoRouteWrapper> - A wrapper widget that's used by the AutoRoutePage to wrap widgets that implement AutoRouteWrapper
- LeadingType
- AppBar Leading button types
T extends StatefulWidget> - a helper mixin to utilises AutoRouteAware in a better manner and reduce boilerplate code
- AutoRouterX on BuildContext
- An extension that provides common routing helpers on BuildContext
on List<
HierarchySegment> - An extension to create a pretty json output of the current hierarchy
on Route<
T> - Adds auto-route data getter to Route
- inheritPathParam → const PathParam
- default PathParam.inherit()
- pathParam → const PathParam
- default PathParam()
- queryParam → const QueryParam
- default QueryParam()
- routePage → const RoutePage
- default routePage
- AnimatedIndexedStackBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
Signature for a wrapper builder used by
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, Animation<
double> animation) -
Signature for a translation builder used by
- AppBarBuilder = PreferredSizeWidget Function(BuildContext context, TabsRouter tabsRouter)
- Signature for a function that takes in BuildContext and TabsRouter and returns a PreferredSizeWidget usually an AppBar
- AutoLeadingButtonBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, LeadingType leadingType, VoidCallback? action)
- Signature function to customize the build of a leading button
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, List<
Widget> children, TabsRouter tabsRouter) -
Signature for a wrapper builder used by
- AutoTabsPageViewBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, PageController pageController)
Signature for a wrapper builder used by
- AutoTabsTabBarBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, TabController tabController)
Signature for a wrapper builder used by
- Signature for a function that takes in BuildContext and TabsRouter and returns a BottomNavigation Widget
= Route<
T> Function<T>(BuildContext context, Widget child, AutoRoutePage< T> page) - Signature for custom router builder used by CustomRouteType
= FutureOr<
DeepLink> Function(PlatformDeepLink deepLink) -
Signature for a function that builds DeepLink
is the pre-resolved link coming from platform window - DeferredWidgetBuilder = Widget Function()
- Signature for a function that returns a widget Used in DeferredWidget to build the lazy-loaded library
- FloatingActionButtonBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, TabsRouter tabsRouter)
- Signature for a function that takes in BuildContext and TabsRouter and returns a FloatingActionButton Widget or null
= Future<
void> Function() - Signature for a function that returns a void future Used in DeferredWidget to load deferred libraries
- Signature for a builder that returns a list of NavigatorObserver
- Signature of a callback used in declarative routing to report url state changes
- Signature for on navigation function used by AutoRouteGuard
Signature for a callback function used by
- Signature for a function that takes a NavigationFailure Used in RoutingController.
- Signature of a callback used by declarative
- PageBuilder = AutoRoutePage Function(RouteData data)
Signature for a function uses
to build an AutoRoutePage - PageFactory = Page Function(RouteData data)
- Signature for a function that builds an AutoRoutePage Used by RoutingController
- RestorationIdBuilder = String Function(RouteMatch match)
Signature for a function that builds the page
Used in AutoRoutePage - RouteDataPredicate = bool Function(RouteData route)
- Signature of a predicate to select RouteData
- RoutePopCallBack = void Function(RouteMatch route, dynamic results)
- Signature of a callback to report route pop events
= List<
PageRouteInfo> Function(PendingRoutesHandler handler) - Signature of a callback used in declarative routing
- TitleBuilder = String Function(BuildContext context, RouteData data)
- Signature for a function that builds the route title Used in AutoRoutePage