RouteMatch<T> class

This is the result returned by RouteMatcher when a match is found



RouteMatch({required AutoRoute config, required List<String> segments, required String stringMatch, required LocalKey key, List<RouteMatch>? children, T? args, Parameters pathParams = const Parameters({}), Parameters queryParams = const Parameters({}), String fragment = '', String? redirectedFrom, bool autoFilled = false})
Default constructor


args → T?
The typed args extracted from PageRouteInfo.args
autoFilled bool
Whether this matched is a result of RouteMatcher.buildPathTo
children List<RouteMatch>?
The list of child matches of this match
flattened List<RouteMatch>
Returns a flattened list of this match and it's sub-matches e.g if we have = RouteMatch1[RouteMatch2RouteMatch3] the result is RouteMatch1,RouteMatch2,RouteMatch3
no setter
fragment String
The url fragment form Uri.fragment
fromRedirect bool
Whether this match is a result of a RedirectRoute
no setter
fullPath String
Joins all segments to a valid path
no setter
fullscreenDialog bool
Helper to access AutoRoute.fullscreenDialog
no setter
guards List<AutoRouteGuard>
The list of AutoRouteGuard's this route will go through before being presented
no setter
hasChildren bool
Whether this match has nested child-matches
no setter
hasEmptyPath bool
Whether the matched-entry has an empty path
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isBranch bool
Whether is route is a parent route
no setter
keepHistory bool
Helper to access AutoRoute.keepHistory
no setter
key LocalKey
The page key to be used in AutoRoutePage.canUpdate
maintainState bool
Helper to access AutoRoute.maintainState
no setter
meta Map<String, dynamic>
Helper to access AutoRoute.meta
no setter
name String
The name of matched route-entry
no setter
path String
The path of matched route-entry
no setter
pathParams Parameters
The extracted path params either from rawPath or PageRouteInfo implementation
queryParams Parameters
The extracted path params either from rawPath or PageRouteInfo implementation
redirectedFrom String?
If this match is a result of a RedirectRoute this will be populated with that route's path
restorationId RestorationIdBuilder?
Helper to access AutoRoute.restorationId
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
segments List<String>
The expended path segments of this match
stringMatch String
The expended path of this match e.g path = /path/:id => stringMatch = 'path/1'
titleBuilder TitleBuilder?
Helper to access AutoRoute.title
no setter
type RouteType?
Helper to access AutoRoute.type
no setter


allSegments({bool includeEmpty = false}) List<String>
Collects top-most matched segments from all child-matches
copyWith({String? stringMatch, Parameters? pathParams, Parameters? queryParams, List<RouteMatch>? children, String? fragment, List<String>? segments, String? redirectedFrom, Object? args, LocalKey? key, AutoRoute? config, bool? autoFilled}) RouteMatch
Returns a new instance of RouteMatch with the overridden values
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toPageRouteInfo() PageRouteInfo
Returns a new instance of PageRouteInfo from the current RouteMatch instance
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.