backdoorStaticGlobal<St> static method

Store<St> backdoorStaticGlobal<St>()

Avoid using if you don't have a good reason to do so.

The backdoorStaticGlobal gives you direct access to the store for advanced use-cases. It does NOT need the context, as it gets the store from the static field _staticStoreBackdoor. Note this field is set when the StoreProvider is created, which assumes the StoreProvider is used only once in your app. This is usually a reasonable assumption, but can break in tests. It does NOT create a dependency like _getStoreWithDependency_Untyped does, and it does NOT rebuild the state when the state changes, when you access it like this: var state = StoreProvider.backdoorStaticGlobal<AppState>().state;.


static Store<St> backdoorStaticGlobal<St>() {
  if (_staticStoreBackdoor == null)
    throw StoreException('Error: No Redux store found. '
        'Did you forget to use the StoreProvider?');

  if (_staticStoreBackdoor is! Store<St>) {
    var type = _typeOf<Store<St>>;
    throw StoreException('Error: Store is of type ${_staticStoreBackdoor.runtimeType} '
        'and not of type $type. Please provide the correct type.');

  return _staticStoreBackdoor as Store<St>;