generated/arcane_shadcn/src/util library


kDefaultDuration → const Duration


gap(double gap, {double? crossGap}) Widget
isMobile(TargetPlatform platform) bool
join(Iterable<Widget> widgets, Widget separator) Iterable<Widget>
lerpColor(Color a, Color b, double t) Color
Linearly interpolate between two colors. Also handles the case when one of the colors is transparent, where Color.lerp fails to handle.
optionallyResolveBorderRadius(BuildContext context, BorderRadiusGeometry? radius) BorderRadius?
styleValue<T>({T? widgetValue, T? themeValue, required T defaultValue}) → T
A style helper function that returns the value from the widget, theme, or default value.
subtractByBorder(BorderRadius radius, double borderWidth) BorderRadius
swapItemInLists<T>(List<List<T>> lists, T element, List<T> targetList, int targetIndex) → void
tweenValue<T>(T begin, T end, double t) → T
wrapDouble(double value, double min, double max) double


ContextedCallback = void Function(BuildContext context)
ContextedValueChanged<T> = void Function(BuildContext context, T value)
Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value)
SearchPredicate<T> = double Function(T value, String query)