ApptiveGrid GridBuilder

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A Flutter Package to build Widgets based on Grid Data


In order to use any ApptiveGrid Feature you must wrap your App with a ApptiveGrid Widget

import 'package:apptive_grid_core/apptive_grid_core.dart';

void main() {
      options: ApptiveGridOptions(
        authenticationOptions: ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions(
          autoAuthenticate = true,
      child: MyApp(
        child: ApptiveGridGridBuilder(
          uri: Uri.parse('LINK_TO_GRID'),
          builder: (context, snapshot) {
            // Build your app based on


Grids need Authentication. In order to authenticate a user either manually call ApptiveGrid.getClient(context).authenticate(). In order to authenticate a user either manually call ApptiveGrid.getClient(context).authenticate(). Alternatively you can set autoAuthenticate to true in ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions in the ApptiveGridOptions this will automatically trigger the process.

Auth Redirect

To get redirected by authentication you need to provide a custom redirectScheme in ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions

  options: ApptiveGridOptions(
    environment: ApptiveGridEnvironment.beta,
    authenticationOptions: ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions(
      autoAuthenticate: true,
      redirectScheme: 'apptivegrid'
  child: MyApp(),

Also make sure that your app can be opened with that redirect Link. For more info check the documentation of uni_links

Flutter Web

If you want to use it with Flutter web you need to call and await enableWebAuth before runApp. This takes care of the redirect of the Authentication Server

void main() async {
  await enableWebAuth(options);
  runApp(ApptiveGrid(child: MyApp()));

API Key Auth

If you want to authenticate with an API Key, add a ApptiveGridApiKey to the ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions

  environment: ApptiveGridEnvironment.alpha,
  authenticationOptions: ApptiveGridAuthenticationOptions(
    autoAuthenticate: true,
    apiKey: ApptiveGridApiKey(
      authKey: 'YOUR_AUTH_KEY',
      password: 'YOUR_AUTH_KEY_PASSWORD',