ResultMetadataType enum

Represents some type of metadata about the result of the decoding that the decoder wishes to communicate back to the caller.



ResultMetadataType(String identifier)


other → const ResultMetadataType

Unspecified, application-specific metadata. Maps to an unspecified Object.

const ResultMetadataType('OTHER')
orientation → const ResultMetadataType

Denotes the likely approximate orientation of the barcode in the image. This value is given as degrees rotated clockwise from the normal, upright orientation. For example a 1D barcode which was found by reading top-to-bottom would be said to have orientation "90". This key maps to an Integer whose value is in the range [0,360).

const ResultMetadataType('ORIENTATION')
byteSegments → const ResultMetadataType

2D barcode formats typically encode text, but allow for a sort of 'byte mode' which is sometimes used to encode binary data. While [Result] makes available the complete raw bytes in the barcode for these formats, it does not offer the bytes from the byte segments alone.

This maps to a {@link java.util.List} of byte arrays corresponding to the raw bytes in the byte segments in the barcode, in order.

const ResultMetadataType('BYTE_SEGMENTS')
errorCorrectionLevel → const ResultMetadataType

Error correction level used, if applicable. The value type depends on the format, but is typically a String.

const ResultMetadataType('ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL')
errorsCorrected → const ResultMetadataType

The number of errors corrected. If applicable, maps to an int of value greater than or equal to zero.

const ResultMetadataType('ERRORS_CORRECTED')
erasuresCorrected → const ResultMetadataType

The number of erasures corrected. If applicable, maps to an int of value greater than or equal to zero.

const ResultMetadataType('ERASURES_CORRECTED')
issueNumber → const ResultMetadataType

For some periodicals, indicates the issue number as an Integer.

const ResultMetadataType('ISSUE_NUMBER')
suggestedPrice → const ResultMetadataType

For some products, indicates the suggested retail price in the barcode as a formatted String.

const ResultMetadataType('SUGGESTED_PRICE')
possibleCountry → const ResultMetadataType

For some products, the possible country of manufacture as a String denoting the ISO country code. Some map to multiple possible countries, like "US/CA".

const ResultMetadataType('POSSIBLE_COUNTRY')
upcEanExtension → const ResultMetadataType

For some products, the extension text.

const ResultMetadataType('UPC_EAN_EXTENSION')
pdf417ExtraMetadata → const ResultMetadataType

PDF417-specific metadata.

const ResultMetadataType('PDF417_EXTRA_METADATA')
structuredAppendSequence → const ResultMetadataType

If the code format supports structured append and the current scanned code is part of one then the sequence number is given with it.

const ResultMetadataType('STRUCTURED_APPEND_SEQUENCE')
structuredAppendParity → const ResultMetadataType

If the code format supports structured append and the current scanned code is part of one then the parity is given with it.

const ResultMetadataType('STRUCTURED_APPEND_PARITY')
symbologyIdentifier → const ResultMetadataType

Barcode Symbology Identifier. Note: According to the GS1 specification the identifier may have to replace a leading FNC1/GS character when prepending to the barcode content.

const ResultMetadataType('SYMBOLOGY_IDENTIFIER')


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
identifier String
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<ResultMetadataType>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.