waterQualityMonitoring top-level constant
const waterQualityMonitoring
const waterQualityMonitoring = NotificationType(
'Water Quality Monitoring', //
NotificationValue(0, 'State idle' //
// Notification value for the state variable going to idle. (V5)
NotificationValue(1, 'Chlorine alarm' //
// Event Parameter 1 byte =
// - 0x01: Below low threshold
// - 0x02: Above high threshold
NotificationValue(2, 'Acidity (pH) alarm' //
// Event Parameter 1 byte =
// - 0x01: Below low threshold
// - 0x02: Above high threshold
// - 0x03: Decreasing pH
// - 0x04: Increasing pH
NotificationValue(3, 'Water Oxidation alarm' //
// Event Parameter 1 byte =
// - 0x01: Below low threshold
// - 0x02: Above high threshold
NotificationValue(4, 'Chlorine empty '),
NotificationValue(5, 'Acidity (pH) empty '),
NotificationValue(6, 'Waterflow measuring station shortage detected'),
NotificationValue(7, 'Waterflow clear water shortage detected'),
NotificationValue(8, 'Disinfection system error detected' //
// Event Parameter 1 byte bitmask=
// - bits 0..3: represent System 1..4 disorder detected
// - bits 4..7: represent System 1..4 salt shortage
// This state is used to inform that the disinfection system is not functioning properly.
NotificationValue(9, 'Filter cleaning ongoing' //
// Event Parameter 1 byte =
// 0x01..0xFF: Filter 1..255 cleaning
NotificationValue(10, 'Heating operation ongoing'),
NotificationValue(11, 'Filter pump operation ongoing'),
NotificationValue(12, 'Freshwater operation ongoing'),
NotificationValue(13, 'Dry protection operation active'),
NotificationValue(14, 'Water tank is empty'),
NotificationValue(15, 'Water tank level is unknown'),
NotificationValue(16, 'Water tank is full'),
NotificationValue(17, 'Collective disorder'),